My partner of 8yrs broke up with me in May 2021, and weve been in no contact since. To get out of this bubble and stop tormenting yourself, the best way to do it is by blocking him. Maybe after a few weeks or months of seeing each others updates, theyll get more comfortable and ready to send you messages. Theyve unblocked you for a reason, which could be personal or they might hope that youve noticed their actions. Those mixed feelings can turn into longing, but your ex could still be on the fence about being the first one to initiate contact. This way you wont send the wrong message. Hey Mandy, the photo probably upset him as he thinks you are looking for attention. He is completely over you. But you can minimize your exs negative thoughts, feelings, and reactions by making sure you dont smother, guilt-trip, and bother your ex. Sometimes platonic relationships can get pretty complicated once they turn into romantic relationships. Your ex wanted to control the breakup and thought I recently confronted my ex who broke up with me because she was breadcrumbing me. I was in love with one of them, so I did not react well. and he has now unfollowed me. It means he's mature enough not to block you, but you are not mature enough to realise he's your ex and keep harassing him by calling him. If he do Is it just a good sign that the two of you can be friends? Consider Why Your Ex May Have Blocked You An ex might block you in order to move on, Scientific Analysis Shows It's Better To Unfriend Your Ex Studies have shown that those who have unfriend their ex after a breakup recover faster than those who did not. This is why even when it is difficult to do, you should not panic over the things your ex-boyfriend does after breaking up with you, such as dating a new person or doing something you never thought he would do. I reacted by blocking unblocking bc I was upset, it hurt me. I stopped messaging back that night, the next day he sends me a good morning text wishing me a good day. After starting the No Contact on an emotionally unstable ex, they wouldnt consider reaching out to you first. Welcome to howtodothings101 ! why did my ex unfriend me but not block me, Hanging Out With An Ex While In A Relationship. Maybe they said some hurtful things during the break-up or maybe it wastheir feelings that got hurt, but either way, they dont know how to smooth things over and move on to the friendship stage of this relationship. Assuming your ex didnt unblock you out of sheer boredom, why didnt they contact you afterward. You need to go into a No Contact period where you are not talking to him or accepting phone calls from him for 45 days and then start following the being there method, Hi, He studied at the University of Amsterdam and has a bachelor's in Clinical Psychology. Your ex will still look at your stories and try to control you through things that you share online. A bad relationship often leads you to an obsession with blaming yourself for everything that happened. Rather, they paint the picture of a desperate and heartbroken person who is still hung up over her ex and cant move on with life. Even though Reason #3 is unpleasant, chances are that his new relationship is a rebound relationship, and he is trying his best to impress her. Reading Suggestion:13 Reasons Why Guys Dont Call When They LikeYou. I havent deleted him yet, because I havent thought of it and since the BU, I have been busy with exam and school. If you concluded that during NC your ex had a good impact on you then you might start the process of unblocking in one of the apps or numbers. Other splits are the result of growing apart and are relatively civil. With his friends he was a different person. But in the end, you shouldnt let any opinion of others impact the way you act after the breakup and during No Contact. If your ex is constantly viewing your profile and posts, it might be time to take action and block them for good. Your ex will probably ignore you, block, you, or respond in ways you arent ready to see your ex respond in. Sometimes its acrimonious someone cheated, or there was a blowout fight between you. So as long as your ex is keeping a respectful distance there is no need to just jump immediately and block him or her in any way possible. Having an ex unblock you can do a real number on your psyche; you tend to overthink, question their motives, feelings towards you, and most importantly, your feelings towards your ex. Heres why: Or that post about the super cool promotion you were offered at your job? Everything I tried to type was too long, and she just told me I was Immature when friends were many people who blocked me and didnt want to hear my side. I see him all over dating apps so I know he doesnt have a girlfriend. So I asked if she did, and she said to stop. So Im confused. This is a little step to make your ex know that you are still in No Contact but that there is no need to block them on everything. ), know that some of the best strategies involve the idea of moving on without moving on.. If you went from platonic to romantic and it didnt work out then the No Contact period is quite enough to help you move on. Some relationships just wont work for multiple reasons and if two of you choose to just part ways in a friendly way then during No Contact while ignoring your ex, you have enough time to reflect. If you do not want everyone to see certain posts, then you should definitely keep them private. My boyfriend asked for a break, earlier this month, to work and focus on himself. Consider blocking your ex in these cases: I couldnt take it seriously. It could be that they want to keep tabs on you, or theyre hoping to get back together with you one day. The new relationship, especially if they started dating shortly after your breakup, will go up in flames without you having to lift a finger. Maybe they just want to limit their exposure to you and dont want to see your posts or updates, Self-focus is the dumpers top priority after the breakup. So until their anger passes its better to block them wherever you can to give them a red signal. Your ex will probably reach out to you when the time is right. ~ you cant control yourself from contacting your ex; Yes, basically. What bothers me the most though is he still follows MY friends and he still follows all of his exesexcept me. As long as the dumper can do what he or she wants and not worry about how to deal with the dumpee, the dumper doesnt need to block the dumpee. WebI've never blocked an ex on Facebook and maybe he's not the type either. Dumpers who unfriend and block afterward do that because they feel threatened, angry, or manipulated. So i got it that a relationship was too much to handle. Unless your ex was the biggest jerk in existence, in which case you probably should reconsider your attempts to get him back and move on for good, chances are that he is going through the same things that you right now. Any kind of overwhelming behavior will make it very tempting for your ex to block you and hurt you in the process. We hooked up and he stopped halfway through and said he didnt think he could do it and he actually liked me/enjoyed spending time together. However, you should only do it to the extent which you are comfortable. You dont text or call your ex, dont write any comment or like his/her pictures, or even talk about how you can share the Netflix account the point of No Contact. Not settling for friendship will encourage you to see things clearly and allow you to detach. If you freaked out and started demanding why he unfollowed you, those negative memories can be triggered. If you have started no contact after being cheated, the process of grieving through No Contact is hard. My boyfriend just broke up with me 4 days back weve known each other for nearly 5 year but we were just friends we fell in love just 5 months back we have family issues due to which we cannot be together I wanted to be friends we tried but few days back he said that he has to pull the bandage once and ended all relations with me didnt even replay to my text and unfollowed me, The Complete Guide For Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back, The No Contact Rule (The Definitive Guide), What Your Ex Boyfriend Says Vs. What He Really Means, Heres Exactly What Hes Thinking During The No Contact Rule, What To Do If Your Ex Boyfriend Blocks You, How To Text Your Ex Without Looking Desperate. Even if you unfollow them, youll find a reason and a way to search their profile. Now that Im not, Im considering deleting him. 1. Regardless of how old, mature, and receptive your ex is, you need to treat your ex with respect. He just wanna satisfy his needs and he cant expect it from me. It doesnt mean that you have to always block your ex to get him/her back or that the blocking helps you in breaking the chains of grief earlier. It is a reflection of him and wherehe isat. However I saw last night that after viewing a selfie of me dressed up for a night out he unfollowed me. You werent meant to be together, and thats okay. Whatever her reason may be, she is feeling threatened by you. Callisto, Sexless Marriage Faking Orgasms And Addiction To Pornography, Stop Conditioning Your Girl To Be A Virgin Bride. Usually, an ex that took you for granted will go fishing back to you and even make your obsession worse. Does he just not care? We are still friends on Facebook and following each other on Instagram. Today he removed me as a friend on snapchat and Im confused because we dont see pictures of each on this anyway. Itd disrupt your healing process to deal with another pain. Reading Suggestion:Why Do Men Get Jealous When You Are Dating Them? You should definitely continue posting pictures of your new self on social media, and to the extent which you are comfortable, make your posts public. Sometimes, people just drift apart and theres nothing anyone can do about it. Your email address will not be published. WebMaybe they just forgot to block you on other social networking sites or maybe they are not "that" active on those sites. As I have mentioned before, he will naturally become curious at some point. I think the concept of unfriending and blocking are generally the same, but to me, they are a little bit different in that you can easily unblock someone after whatever time you need to heal vs. unfriending them essentially to forget them and get them out of your life for good. Oh, here we come to the mixed signals that some of the exes send during the No Contact Rule. But why? Remember: Just because your ex unfriended you on Facebook, it doesnt mean that all hope is lost. You can re-attract her via social media and guide her through the rest of the ex back process. Want Her Back FAST? Other splits are the result of growing apart and are relatively civil. ~ you have moved on during NC rule and youre dating someone; Your ex is leaving you unblocked for moral reasons and in case theres some kind of emergency on either side. looking so beautiful and being so amazing. Although messaging your ex is the quickest way to ask her to refriend you, its also a lot easier for Sure, some immature and attention-seeking dumpers feel ignored when their dumpee does no contact. 1. My ex and I dated for 4 months, great relationship ended on a good note. Theres a good chance you wouldnt even notice that theyve unblocked you. Reading Suggestion:How Soon is Too Soon to Move In Together? However, he is supposedly seeing a girl 6 years younger than him. After a month of posting I took a month-long break of posting and then on Halloween posted some nice pics of myself for the first time in a while. I havent reacted to anything and his family still have me on social media etc we were together for 5 years. Your ex unfriended you but not blocked you because your ex wanted to keep you at just the right kind of distance. Why Didnt Your Ex Reach Out After Unblocking You? To recap, there are several reasons your ex unfollowed you on social media. Is not the healthiest behavior, but its hard to resist the impulse to look. Whether you want to remove him from your socials is up to you. I Was No Longer Tempted To Talk To Him The biggest issue with still being connected to my ex through the worldwide web was the temptation to talk to him. It is possible that his friends are telling him to do the same, but remember . Trust me when I say that even if the quote or picture or song or movie resonated strongly with you, it is important to refrain from posting them on social media. . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It turned out she wanted to be friends so we could text and send the funny videos that we like. 3. I bagged for her back and wanted her to be happy. In case of an emergency or some unfinished business left to discuss, you and your ex could get back in touch and talk strictly about those things. He broke up with me in Jan and instantly regretted it and begged me to take him back. But hes also offered to help me move some storage items a week ago. Why is Kilz Not Recommended for Flooring? They hope youllsee that they have a new partnerand that it makes you jealous. And having your ex up to your face through any contact wont help the process of healing. There was a slight stupid argument for breaking up, 2. Hi, my ex and I broke up 8 months ago. Thats because a controlling partner, even after splitting wants to know what youre doing, whom youre meeting, blame you for everything, even for breaking up with you. These are some of the eight most common reasons an ex unblocks you. My account was public when she added me, so I didn't have to accept her request to follow me. Reading Suggestion:20 Ways To Ask a Guy To Be Your Boyfriend. So thats probably why. In fact, it may be a good thing. Weve all been there. Hi Kayla it is likely that whatever he seen in your posts upset him enough to make him unfollow you for a while. We also talk about what you should and shouldnt do as a dumpee. Such behavior can lead you to confusion. You need to focus on yourself and your UG work. Hi Sole, often people do this so that they can post things without you seeing what they are doing. 1 Time to time we would message how each other are and 2 weeks ago he told me how much he misses me. Remember, it is mission-critical that you take this time during the No Contact period to be the Ungettable Girl. And a couple of days after she did that, she unfriended me on instagram. It doesnt mean He believes that since you are moving on, he has to learn to move on as well. No one wants their ex to be prying into their business after the breakup. When she had been texting me if I wanted to work with her on my days off, I told my one friend I would leave her alone. In the end, he did the only thing he knew how to, and unfollowed you on social media. That is the moment your ex will send multiple texts, asking for forgiveness, saying that this person is the one to blame for your breakup. I deleted him off snapchat 2 months after the breakup, 2 months later he added me again and I accepted. So if youre wondering why your ex unfriended you but didnt block you, bear in mind that your ex didnt see a reason to block you. I hope youve learned why your ex unfriended you but not blocked you. . He didnt want to do something one day and I just exploded, he then broke it off there and told me it was my fault. John Adams is the founder of this site, howtodothings101. Unfriend Your Ex (Especially If You Want Him Back) When my boyfriend told me, just shy of our one-year anniversary, that he didnt want a girlfriend anymore, I was still digesting my savory pork belly dish and $12 cocktail. Blocking them when you ended things on good terms would leave them hurt and confused. . Today (3 weeks) he showed up at my house to say he cant stop thinking about me and cant focus on the things he needs to. In this article, we discuss why your ex unfriended you but didnt block you. Or maybe she's just not thinking long term, which is pretty typical for pwBPD. Here, as coworkers, we help each other make the world better by helping you create a cohesive, stylish environment in your home with furniture, electronics, emergency equipment, accessories, and more. One of the things that hurt the most about him blocking and unfollowing me was that it just reminded me of the breakup. One month later he gets into a relationship. But never do it if you want them back because you feel mediocre without them, you miss the intimacy, or so on. It could be that he or she doesnt want to talk or that they even need some time to process their feelings. Should I even respond? Unblocking you could be part of their healing process, or it could be done to get a reaction out of you. Can I please have some advice. Dumpers leave relationships because they want to do what they want and stay in control of their thoughts and emotions. Keep working the program and you will see results if you keep working the Ungettable. He created howtodothings101 correctly so other people can organize their homes too by following expert advice given throughout each article on here. That is why any negative emotional reaction on your part can ruin your chances of getting him back. You cant risk making your ex feel uncomfortable and bringing a bad reaction out of your ex that sets you back emotionally. To have a clear idea here are 9 reasons why you should block your ex during the No Contact: Look for the reason why you want to unblock your ex during No Contact. If your ex unblocks you, its not a great idea to scroll through their past photos. Just move on and focus on the friendships that are still strong. Apathy. It's worse than hate, in that he doesn't care. She declined it after four days. If you want to get your ex back and youre all healed and there is a chance of getting back together with your ex then you can start by unblocking their number and if they want to reach you then they can do it via texting/calling. In this case, there is no need to hit that block button. If youve been unfriended, it may mean that youre posting too much on Facebook. While your ex will play this type of game with you, it is better to block them to have a better way of nourishing yourself. NO sad posts about broken relationships and breakups, NO angry posts about how terrible men are, NO pensive posts about love or how ideal relationships should be, it gets under his skin/annoyshim/angers him, is obviously hindering him from moving on, when youdonotice, he wants to see you react, He is still hurting and processing the breakup, He is trying to get a reaction out of you, He was forced to do so by his new girlfriend, Will this post hurt/harm me in any way? It lets the dumper keep a satisfactory distance from the dumpee and enables the dumper to focus on his or her wants and needs. Press J to jump to the feed. If you dont feel like doing it and somebody else tells you to do it, 5. You are not self-disciplined enough and are extremely tempted to reach your ex, 3. And you can do that by continuing to give your ex the space he or she has asked for. This starts out My ex broke up with me a month ago, and I immediately went into no contact. Most dumpers simply dont block their ex after the breakup just because they can. WebThere are a few possible reasons why your ex unfriended you but didnt block you. Does he think I have moved on, After 30 days of breaking up and my ex telling me he doesnt want to get back together, he messaged me this morning to congratulate me on my new company then unfollowed me on IG and removed me from his followers. You may think, Wait! It can be really hurtful and confusing when your ex unfriends you on Facebook. 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