10:3,4). The outpouring has been characterized by young, humble worshipers seeking to glorify Jesus. Shared with Public Follow Watch the highlights from the Pastor's Luncheon at Manteca, CA on March 4th at CWC life Church with Mario Murillo addressing the Church re-opening in California. Expect the the Holy Spirit spread. We have heard much about how there is no big-time preacher or leader of this miracle at Asbury. Glory Hallelujah. The two welcomed the daughter Lydia, Marios granddaughter on July 20, 2020. God first must create a divine order before he can manifest His glory. God is an awesome God. Matthew 7:7-11 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. I am not exaggerating those are two of the most Holy Spirit inspired brilliantly written books I have ever read! Rounding leading voices on national repentance and revival, Gene Bailey of Flashpoint asked Pastor Mario Murillo, Hank Kunneman, and Lance Wallnau to share their thoughts on religious freedom. Lord touch the young people all over the world and make them firebrands for you so that millions will come to know the real Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Mario, why didnt you go to these false teachers privately, before you corrected them publicly? Students started to report miraculous healings. Students started to report miraculous healings. Prayers for the saints, for the youth, for this revival to spread all over America and eventually to others nation. Joy that hes showing himself still on the throne. Do not let yourself be one of those who is fooled again. Strang plays an unusual role in this religious subculture, splitting the difference between Rupert Murdoch and the pope. Through Murillo's persuasive gospel messages about absolute abandonment to Christ mixed with raw healing, the Holy Spirit conquered Bill's heart. Amen and Thank you God Bless you and Keep you make His Face to shine upon you guiding and protecting ever step u take . May the Lord bless you there, Birdie. Yes Lord bring revival to North Devon, England. She had only drunk a few cups of water over the last day or so. It was Finney who observed that revivals die, both because of the bad spirit of the old school, and the arrogant spirit of the new school. Good word. . A missing-person report. discerning and alert, for there is probably already forming a parallel Jesus Revolution that may outwardly look like the real thing, yet be associated with some of the following markers: 1. Mario Murillo, Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau (April 20, 2021) 548. Hal-le-lu-jah! that REVIVAL of our Lord Jesus Christ is within all true FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST who are thirsty and hungry from the WORD OF GOD and for HIS PRESENCE. -Do Not Leave Quietly: A Call for Everyday People to Rise Up and Defeat Evil God Bless America again! prophetic frequencies, med-bed quantum healings, time travel, opening portals and dispensing mantles of anointing, proclamation that Jesus can NOT come back for hundreds of years, not until we as manifest sons of God take over the nations and we release the glory over the Earth as the waters cover the seas!, spirit out-of-body journeys into 3rd Heaven, angelic communications, making decrees to control weather or to decree political developments etc..etc etc. Pray this spreads around the World. Mario you are a true testimony of our Fathers love. The Holy Spirit quickened our Spirit quickly hearing your words, and we decided to stop viewing the many prophets on our list. There will always be someone there looking for their reason and purpose for living, for hope that theres something bigger than themselves drawing them to Jesus Christ. Amen and amen. Information about his parents and/or siblings is not available at the moment. President Mark Walker Explains Revival at Lee University Its amazing what is beginning to happen on our college Former Satanist John Ramirez has been on a mission to expose the kingdom of darkness since he gave his life to Jesus. The disciples were in the Upper Room worshiping, praying and giving their personal testimonies for 10 days before the fire fell. . Both started with repentance. I said that I didnt know if I would live another 20 years because, at 66 my father died at 65 and his dad is 64! Not to mention the slander on the gospel. Mario Murillo's story is one that defies the odds. Peace and stillness still reverberates from my spirit as I type these words. I was blessed. /. A generation was forever changed in the USA. He went ahead to be the founder and current president of In Touch Ministries, which is famously known for broadcasting sermons through television. She received through faith, hope, and love. Also.1 John 2:14 document.documentElement.className = 'js'; Thats a beautiful attitude Let it be so, LORD!!! 13:17,18; 14:1,2). The first is this hunger in the people for God and truth. What a wonderful heritage from your family. Mario was hospitalized at Williamson Medical Center in Franklin, Tennessee. But I disagree, there are leaders. One New Man Bible The Bible says, We have this treasure in earthen vessels., Andrew Murray had a great church in Cape Town, South Africa. Wonderful and wise words about a sovereign and holy work of God being birthed!! Great insight and may all of our hearts stay humble and in repentance. Mario, I saw you when you were in Toledo, Ohio (Holy Toledo) back in 1993. As we watched some of it online, I felt happy that what was happening was not organized by some well known teacher, preacher, etc. The room of believers were too busy giving God glory. Do not let yourself be one of those who is fooled again . Paul did not take Peter aside privately before rebuking him publicly. I am also providing it as ammunition for those who agree with me. In a sense, Jeus used these men to teach me about what Im seeing. Theres no theatrical worship and hype. And you told us all to lay hands on those standing. deeper than knowledge known. Thank you Mario for that wisdom. The silent clouds above are beginning to gather But revival does not just lift all boats, it brings them together in unity. Maybe His Spirit can fall in here. Only all these people going there makes a circus out of it, and the Holy Spirit does not like that at all. The Holy Spirit repeated the challenge, and I willingly said, I will commit my soul, Father! 13 years have passed, and I have continued to pray daily. Thanks for keeping us in the humble attitude to God, Mario. Alister holds an Irish nationality and belongs to mixed ethnicity. He always manifested Himself and we shared awesome experiences with Him, souls were saved and miracles and healings abounded. Come Lord Jesus! Israel was ..under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea (1Cor. They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love, yes theyll know are Christians by our love. The sudden outburst of emotion came after the death of Carman's fan Teri, a woman he met and prayed with backstage at one of his concerts who was battling cancer and died shortly after they met. In 1967 I became a Christian on purpose in Asbury Park, NJ. The youth need God so desperately in this time and its beautiful how He is moving in a college church. Theyre respecting the holiness of this it appears!!! It is here Praise God. When hes done, he will show himself another way. Think about it. My wife & I are tempted to go. Psalm 9:17 KJV. Amen, Mario, In simplest terms, we were using a delivery network to ensure the site is always available around the world, in . !.and yes, several times Ive been warned of hell fire punishment because I dared to question the accuracy of things claimed in the Lords name. We have let them be groomed by the LGBTQ+s, drag queens, sex traffickers, and all sorts of evil and I think God has had enough. You nailed it Mario. Thank you for your words of wisdom regarding this revival, as well as your guidance to us all through your books! It was as if on purpose all egos and talent were pushed away and laid at the alter. The next miracle was for a young man who was devastated. When Grandma found out it was a girl she exclaimed she get to buy her jewelry and he exclaimed he get to buy guns. So now you know. He is not concerned that the all the false prophets were wrong he is more concerned about the "Big Lie . Just a couple of rows from the front. Mario has a son Michael who is married to Jessica. *Note: This is the second in a two-part series. Students at TAMUCCmany of whom attend New Life Church in Corpus Christi, Texashave As a prophet and a teacher, I talk a lot about the subject of revelation. Sounds like Asbury is one of those. William Booth a man who contained a MOVEMENT OF GOD within his Jar of Clay No media, no books written, no internet or even electricity but just a simple man with a FULL MOVEMENT OF GOD within his Jar of Clay being and within 4 years of time in that MOVEMENT OF GOD through one man In spite of violence and persecution, some 250,000 people were converted under the ministry of The Salvation Army between 1881 and 1885. May the Holy Spirit impact this nation by this amazing revival that has taken fire. (yes, I understand as believers there are times when we must test the spirit by the Spirit, examining the Scriptures.). My 9 year old granddaughter lives in CA. MARIO , thank you for including me in your post. prayers for our country and our world-thank you Dear Lord!!!! Go determined to return a changed person who can spread revival where you live. And Ive been praying for our young people that revival would come into their midsts. Its about Him so lets just focus on asking what He wants us to do in response and when and how. William Booth, founder of Salvation Army, had no internet, had no Media coverage, had nothing but HE had the thirst and hunger for a HOLY GOD. I was thrilled to see the Flashpoint Live service last night end with a time of prayer and sweet worship music rather than raucous music that makes a person want to run from the building or cut the TV off. After being revolutionized by Christ, he felt a call to the University of California at Berkeley, where he shared his . Thank you brother Mario. Marios attempts to communicate became repeatedly rejected which led him to pray a prayer that would define the rest of his life. The Good News has come to Hawaii and when I first heard what happened in Ashbury I couldnt hold back tears of thanksgiving and this lovely song came to mind: Its beginning to rain hear the voice of the Father, Saying whosoever will come drink of this water, I promise to pour my Spirit out on your sons and your daughters, If youre thirsty and dry, look up to the sky, v/1 Never thought of what Mario is stating!! It will either be your greatest year of opportunity or a massive missed opportunity. He returned there in 1989, to preach for 30 days at the world-famous Cow Palace as 5,000 people flooded the altar. I am not sure whether this post is written by him as nobody else know such detailed about my trouble. This is not a defense of what I wrote. This was after he served as the president of the Southern Baptist Convention between the years 1984-1986. 4. Will we continue just drinking enough water to stay alive? He sat in the back of the church, repentant and contrite. If he hears you, you have gained your brother., Let me explain why this verse does not apply to this situation: These two false ministers did not sin against me. Keep praying Birdie theres no way of telling what God could do there where you live! A minister who has labored for decades with scant results can feel hurt, even dismayed, when any event flies from obscurity to worldwide acclaim in just a matter of days. TO HIM BE ALL THE GLORY AND HONOUR. Lexington, Kentucky. I did see these type of responses, too. (not words of bragging or boasting but words of TRUTH for he knew who was inside of HIS JAR OF CLAY from that MOVEMENT the HOLY SPIRIT MOVEMENT) Mankind probably named the Red Sea. Speaks loudly to me because the young people are strong & the word of God remains in you & you have prevailed OVER the evil one. A spirit of an unteachable rebellious attitude by those stressing Down with religion! If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. She was dehydrated. Now also when I am old & Grey headed, O God, Do not forsake me until I have shown your strength to this generation, To each one that is to come! A minister who has labored for decades with scant results can feel hurt, even dismayed, when any event flies from obscurity to worldwide acclaim in just a matter of days. And found the place full of the Holy Spirit and the love of Jesus. In Jesus warning about false Messiahs, He said dont go out if they say the Messiah is in the desert or the secret chambers. 13 years ago, in a united Methodist church on the banks of the Ohio river, attending a world vision meeting, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and asked me if I was willing to pray for 20 years for revival to come to Immokalee, Florida. We receive Gods Spirit much the same way my daughter received water. I find myself shouting out loud a lot while reading them! Thanks Mario for great article. My future prayers will be that it spreads TO the Church. Here comes Harvest. Where are the David Wilkersons, a man who walked into gang infested ghettos and hoods witnessing to those lost souls? It was just too hard," he confessed, speaking about Brown's death. Two dynamics will mark this gathering for all time. Amenpraying it continues and spreads until the trumpets sound! Then the fire that had begun during that Saturday night prayer meeting hit him. Let us praise Him for WHO He is,,no means to an end..just GOD!! Also in 1991, Mario preached in Los Angeles to a packed-out Shrine Auditorium. I pray it moves to Lexington and throughout the entire State of Kentucky and then to the whole Nation. Oh boy do we ever need it now!! What an answered prayer to see our youth revived! May God do a special work in our hearts and souls for His glory and honor. Its true. 200 Distillery Commons, Suite 270, Louisville, KY 40206-1987 Lawyers:Eric Crump Law Offices of John Schmidt & Associates PLLC 730 West Market Street, Suite 490, Louisville, KY 40202. . We here in Prattville Alabama have been going to schools praying for revival. Amen God please continue to pour our your loving powerful presence and keep us out of the way. Worship and praise begins the process of hearing from heaven. I am joining in the Spirit of Asbury from Florida as I know this is just the beginning of a National revival. Yes, that is exactly what it was! A burden has been lifted from me. Christians questioning whether it was a real revival. Regarding Asbury, I love how Mario recalled the birthing of a condor as I had similar thoughts. We neighbors, hearing of the birth, rejoice, send congratulations, and should then go about our quiet business of finding our own husbands and conceiving our own babies. I can watch from afar. Thanks for sharing that great story. The Holy Spirit is on these young people. One day I want to be a part of one of your tent meetings. When told the message of Jesus Christ, convicted hearts asked: Men and brethren, what shall we do? Sounds from Heaven by Colin & Mary Peckham. I believe it will happen. Heb. There are so many voices out there today. Ours as well here in Malaysia! Mario Murillo added Watch Lenna miraculously healed of 5 illnesses. On January 6 th, a demonic blanket of evil fell over Washington as Antifa, and BLM protestors posing as Trump supporters, along with a few misguided rightwing extremists, allowed the march to walk into a trap, release great tragedy, and handed the enemy an excuse to try and destroy Trump permanently. Let's see what happened lately and what Kat said back in response to the people who bashed her revelation of heaven and called it chasing a fantasy that dist. Murillo, himself a Charismatic, continues to be deluded as do many other Charismatics/Prophets. Pierce our hearts and minds oh God! After his divorce from Rose, Mario remarried his second wife Mechelle. My response is joy! !I recall seeing them out there, moving in and out among us, as wed be out in the malls and parks witnessing for Jesus, trying to win souls in our new zealThey were too! A verse that fits is this situation is 1 Timothy 5:20 says Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.. Yet isnt it about renewal and revival of the individual man, coming into a relationship with Christthat is Biblical.I am glad that school is experiencing renewal..God Bless! You said if anyone be sick here stand up. Mario married three times in his life. . AMEN, Birdie.great and mighty things can be accomplished through your prayers right there from your nursing home! I thought, Why should I wade into such controversy and incur the grief?. The couple resides in San Ramon, Calif. Marios son Michael is married to Jessica. Where We Failed The Prophets & This Nation Prophetic Word for 2021 from Mario Murillo with Pastor Alan DiDio. URGENT! Mario married three times in his life. Since then Murillos voice has been heard by millions around the world, bringing a message that zeroes in on the hurts of society and Christs power to end addiction, racism, violence and disease. Everything will be just fine then. Amen, we have prayed daily in our church that we would see a Revival in Finland! So very true. Mario married three times in his life. I am encouraged by your right response to the Asbury revival. god is also bringing to remembrances the anointed hymns of the ages march on christian soldiers a mighty fortress is our God a bulwark never failing sing and pray these words of power in your prayer times. But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter before them all, If you, being a Jew, live in the manner of Gentiles and not as the Jews, why do you compel Gentiles to live as Jews?'. Not biblical! Mario was born in the United States. I am weeping with Joy!! Over 95,000 people read it on our website, alone. He was sending a news team today to cover it but the leadership asked him not to come. The Lord had me in intercession for college campuses continually 3 or 4 years ago for evangelism and off campus pastors to receive them. I cast you out in Jesus name. Amen/So Be It! In 2008, many sources accused him of having numerous illicit affairs. As I have shared many times through the years REVIVAL never flows out from the pulpit by what a preacher has words to share but true REVIVAL always flows and catches on fire at when people run to the ALTAR before a HOLY GOD with full repentance crying out at that altar this is when GODs BELLOW WINDS start blowing is upon that ALTAR before a HOLY GOD Peter obeyed Jesus and cast the net into the water in Luke 5. She was devastated as, back in those days, women were not allowed on the mission field without a husband. Nothing of man but all of You. We both are born again, love Jesus, but have never experienced a revival. , bro mario, God bless you for these words, and for your obedience to GODS CALLING Im praying that in this Revival there will be a wonderful renewal of hearts full of compassion, and the Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit. I wept when I left that place, because my heart longed to stay. Mario, my husband is 90 next month, I will be 85 in a few more months. Im not waiting around to see if this is of God before I embrace it as others are claiming and standing on the sidelines. To God be the glory! Amen & Amen!!!! It is lethal, sudden, and arrives early. country: America, and that it would spread to every tribe, Nation and tongue on the face of the Earth, in Jesus name! All revivals come to us through imperfect human beings. Thank you for your article. This article first appeared on Curt Landry Ministries. Not only Marc 16 comisin, cause the point at this revival is to make disciples, Mathew 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. He has long carried a burden to see a Great Awakening in America. These are children from Godly parents. Christian Ramos Murillo, 32, was shot and killed after a chase with Tennessee Highway Patrol and Knox County Sheriff's deputies on Interstate 40 on Tuesday night. Mario quickly understood that any report of healing should be verified by doctors. Wallnau, head of the 7M Underground movement, said that his prayer is for the church to channel all that that has happened around them into the . Many others along the way lasted for a season, but were cut short by disobedience. Praise God!! I was there yesterday. As that MOVEMENT OF GOD in the HOLY GHOST FIRE began HIS MOVEMENT for this world through JARS OF CLAY in the Book of Acts AD 33 Tommy and Jan Carnley. Not called! did you say? I was sent a book on the Revival that shook the Hebrides. Thanks for staying true to the word of God. And for good reason. Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco. Thank you for your article! But lets pray that these college kids have wisdom and discernment as they are descended upon. The students rejected his efforts until a desperate prayer led to an unprecedented supernatural outpouring. Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, that glory may dwell in our land. Truly a Godly response and perhaps this is why the Holy Spirit has come and this is perhaps why the Holy Spirit may stay and do more in one night than a thousand sermons. by Mario Murillo | Jan 3, 2022 | Prophetic Insight. Of course Ill pray it will be led by the Holy Spirit. Dutch would later put the icing on the cake. We are excited and praying for a long experience of this wonderful event continuing and I prayed for the same wonderful happening in our Country, Canada, as well in our area on Vancouver Island!! The turtle dove is singing its sweet song of morning 22K views, 1K likes, 338 loves, 119 comments, 388 shares. Thanks for the reminders and thanks for citing some of the current false pulpit prognostications too. To partake of the Spirit as though He is only found in special places and not already manifest with us at all times, if He is not squelched or grieved? Crowding out the kids whom the Spirit is calling. You put a humble cup of oil in a pond and it will slowly spread across the water. Revival happened in 1970 and also 1950. From day one, when I watch it online, it is overwhelming, powerful, and affected me profoundly; Thats how I knew it was the real deal. It is ironic that the very people who claimed to dearly love the bird were the greatest threat to its life. Give us a wave all across America. AMEN my good friend. 10:1,2). We have been praying for a move of God and here it is! Aunt Mildred arrived at Bethany Childrens Home in a hollow deep in the back hills of Kentucky on March 29, 1927, where she stayed the next 57 years until the home was forced to close in the early 1980s due to red tape. God knows what it will take and Im hoping my own children will be part of it. After a four-day conference in San Jose, California, extended to six months, with nearly 250,000 people in attendance, he launched his international ministry. Winston Churchill said, The truth is incontrovertible. I Bind, Cage, Chain, Mute, Muzzle, Gag, Cut you All Off, Destroy, Strip and Ruin You All. Shortly after, her fianc called off the engagement. In Jesus name. These guys helped me in understanding what I was watching. Once this occurs, miracles, signs and wonders abound! Donald Trump.. to be touched & led by the Holy Spirit in Revival for America.. now home to one of my children & their family! It was at the Red Sea that their tormenter lost his power of death over ALL of them. ! Oh, friends it is dangerous stuff they are believing and they do NOT want anyone like Mario or me or you telling them in love but firmnessNo. Move now among us, stir us we pray. She was astonished at what Jesus did for her. Well, that was a amazing read. The problem for most people today seems to be the loving or valuing part. IN RESPONSE TO MARIO MURILLO February 5, 2021 / michaelbattle65 The following is a response to Mario Murillo's article: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED BETWEEN THE PROPHETS AND THE ELECTION. And He IS the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him. He is a man of average stature and stands at a height of 5 ft 7 in (Approx. Yes, Im charismatic and have seen all that, but his seems true and genuine. Never judge by appearances, listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying and dont be afraid to step out in faith and follow through, you wont regret it and God will confirm it. It just could be your prayers that make a difference! Tomorrow marks the 10th day of the Asbury experience. We hope many come to the Lord from this and unity , there is revival already happening in your tent meetings too! I spent 30 years caring for the elderly in their homes. I came to live in the UK at the start of the 2020 Covid epidemic.. cont. A bunch of people singing and praising the Lord! One blood test and an X-ray revealed what appeared to be a raging case of Covid-19, as well as pneumonia in both lungs. I also felt a need to pray for the people involved in shepherding this great move of God. "Car accident! His third wifes name is Rose. My response was to hit my knees and ask our Lord and God to spread it all over our country. We thank God for directing us to your site Mario, we adore your humble Spirit and how you Glorify God is all you do and say, something we love and desire as well. Receive Gods Spirit much the same way my daughter received water challenge, and love elderly in their.... 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