It has the ability to flow laterally through these pore spaces and establish a "water table" that is generally horizontal or slightly sloping (see Figure 2). Friend said try witching the pipes. The number of side to side movements indicates the depth of the vein of water. There is an article in our newspaper re: a man finding an ancient cemetary by dousing. jesus warned us about powers like this,,,,,,,, those powers do not come from HIM,,,,,,,,any serious christian would stay far away from those types of capabilities because they are from the evil one. It will save a lot of backhoe time. Could find water. He also located the geothermal lines that were near the drill site. Use a length of 1 inch (2.5 cm) dowel rod, with a hole through the center. Even tried over water bed & wands turned out. 50+ years later that well is still going and has the cleanest water in the area (tested every 2 years), Dowsing is an absolute joke. More Information Online They are attracted to his body and point back toward him. This way you can hold tightly and feel the willow pull on your hands and wrists. Hold the rods steady in your hands. My father was really good at finding water for people he used wires i prefer a forked stick dowsing doesnt have to be proven to me i know without a shadow of a doubt it works i havent figured out how to scientifically prove it but i can make anyone feel what i feel as long as im touching the stick you will feel it to there has to be a way you could measure the force being put on my stick its so strong if i try to hold the stick and keep walking the stick will break. After locating the underground water with a forked willow, he figured out how deep it was by using a willow stick about 3 feet long. You may also pass the wire through a couple of drinking straws. Sounds simple, but does it work? Using the information described in the studies above, hydrogeologists base their recommendations on 1) the characteristics of the land; 2) characteristics of rocks beneath the site; 3) results from previous drilling; and, 4) known principles of groundwater movement. Many choices and styles to choose from. While the majority of dowsers search for water, some practitioners use this technique to find all sorts of things: gold, bombs, or even the missing remote control to theTV. That situation was interesting because the rancher had already hired a well driller who drilled 400 feet and didnt hit water. Make sure the rod ends are not tipped upward or downward. After he finished he had me try it. People who practice dowsing believe that groundwater moves in subsurface seams, veins, or streams that must be intersected by the drill to produce an adequate flow of water. Fascinating comment in my experience its conservatives who are far more willing to take things on faith or believe in things with no proof than most Dems or liberals. After finding a spot, I use a forked willow to see if thered be enough water for a good well. Oh, and it also helps to know that traces of the waterline's route are still visible, especially if you connect the dots made by tile holes where the waterline cut them. People can drill wells just about anywhere and hit water. Most expertsother than dowsing experts, that isclassify this art to the realm of pseudoscience. I have been Successful finding water lines and electric I even witched for a Irrigation well narrowed it down to a 4 ft circle I told the well driller this is the spot and we drilled a 12 inch well and I get a strong 1000GPM IDK probably had nothing to do with the witching. A lot of people think that water divining is confined to rural areas, but that isn't true. All the sticks he has are the "Y" of the branches, and he shows me how to hold them. Thanks. No one knows why dowsing worksor if, indeed, it does work. I know a guy that has this one and has yet to try it out. I did all of a sudden they went down. An expert told us not to stop at the first stream but put a pump on the well snd suck it out while it was dug down further. I will try it this spring. It only work for me, this is the theory that I developed and have studied: 1) Water is a good conductor of electricity 2) The Clay in our Northern Pa. has almost equal amounts of + and charged Clay particles, this is why you can make a ball out of Clay. When the grateful rancher paid him, Lynn realized his services were valuable. I have drilled 2 dry wells now and would like to hire a dowser but I cant find anyone in the area by word of mouth or internet search. Im not the type that believes in the super natural but I have no idea why/how that works, yet it does. And yet I know people that can do it. Dig somewhere between the flags. Because the same types of rocks are usually present beneath that small area. Data from controlled studies is proof this is nothing more than stuff and nonsense. Yes, I can witch water. Then took a corn cob with the corn on it and told him to count how many times it bobs up and down. He just counts until it stops bobbing up and down and starts moving side to sidewhich indicates where the water is. But on occasion there might be more.. . When it comes to modern-day water witching, I suppose digital imaging and water sniffing drones will win . I cant pull a rabbit out of a hat. He researched the area and it was a water source. You can also use apple or peach branches for water dowsing. Easter: Why Is It a Different Date Each Year? George's water well thread got me thinking about it..I too am planning to drill a well in the near future. Yes, but with certain caveats. I was sitting here thinking about this. Most successful water wells are drilled without the advice of a hydrogeologist. they will simply that there is no right nor wrong place, just drill anyplace and you either hit or miss. Numerous witchers showed up at his place, all claiming mystical powers to find water. Forked sticks held in front of a dowser will be deflected toward the ground, a pair of L-shaped rods held lightly in the dowser's hands will cross one another, and a pendulum suspended on a string will deflect from vertical as the dowser moves over a good location. An old logger showed me how to find water on a parcel of land I purchased from him on condition that I first locate at least two running streams under ground. I hired 3 dowsers to witch my property. I worked for the USDA-NRCS for over 28 years. We are very hit and miss. You need lots of experience to no how far below surface but simple training exercise makes believers out of doubters. I had coffee from the well my 100% Cherokee grandmother found in 1962. They believe that locations where this water is present are surrounded by forces that will produce a response in their tools. It worked for me using a peach tree fork. So they sat him in the back of a pickup truck, blind folded him, and slowly drove down the main street of a small town. Witched my first well in my teens. This is why many people hire a dowser. When I backed up, they crossed in reverse. It doesnt seem to correlate with soil type or rock formations on the surface. Instructions. Thank you, Michael, Hi, I am a 3rd Generation Water-Witch. The well water was so hard that most people had trouble with it especially with washing clothes. My dad could as well. My Gramma, who passed earlier this year, witched the well for her and Grampas house when it was built. Many of us may have fond remembrances of watching someone perform this noble and ' respectable ' form of divination when we were young, or at . Would be curious if life expectancy or health issues differ from those who can and can't. During this studys 10-year research period, researchers paired up experienced geologists and dowsers, sending them to dry regions like Sri Lanka, Kenya, and Yemen. The forked ends of the dowsing rods are clutched palms-down, and dowser slowly walks over . One of his relatives used a forked willow to locate the origins of a spring that provided the house with water. Havent been successful at it myself but Ive seen it done and it does work. The willow tree is naturally found around lakes or ponds because is it a water loving tree. Some wells have been less than 100 feet. Plant your weeping willow at least 50 feet away from main structures, pathways, or driveways. I was telling my buddy this and he disagreed, He told me 30 some years ago they were trying to find enough water for irrigation He ended having a well known well witcher from the area give it a try. But if its only a few gallons per minute and the client wants more, you know there is a deeper layer. It may sound like some rather hokey hocus-pocus, or something from, say, 500 years ago. A well must intersect enough of these tiny fractures to produce useful amounts of water. Cant even understand why anyone would vote Democrat. The pull is very obvious. It works. That's the way he found an underground well passing through our background. As the point went downward I tried to pull it up and the bark scratched the palms of my hands. Witching for wells. Elderly, cantankerous friend of mine said no problem, Ill bring my own coat hangers. Regarding these igneous and limestone areas, geologists and hydrogeologists believe that there is no scientific basis for a dowser or a dowsing tool to have the ability to select a location where a drilled well will intersect subsurface fractures or small caverns. Using a green willow branch Babs Ballard looks for the flow of water near a well she previously discovered on Swauk Prairie Wednesday . There was no way to fake that. When we were having some work done, the guy we hired used 2 bent pieces of coat hanger wire to locate the pipe to out septic tank. A multi million dollar grant to research it. I have a place in Pigeon Mi. I can do it but only with bare brazing rods for whatever reason. Decades ago some of my Dad's friends called BS on his abilities to witch. The National Ground Water Association, in a position statement, "strongly opposes the use of water witches to locate groundwater on the grounds that controlled experimental evidence clearly indicates that the technique is totally without scientific merit" [2]. He started looking; found a spot and said, "There's water here.". But then he put his hand on mine, told me to hold the stick as tight as I could, blindfolded me and led me around. And I dont charge because I cant guarantee 100%. And, despite the skepticism, there are even a few scientists who think theres more here than meets the eye. Typically, the person that is dowsing holds sticks or rods and walks around a property in the hopes that the rods will dip, twitch, or cross . I walk to that point and when I get to the exact point my wire will turn in the direction of the underground water vein. For me. Yes he dosed and found and also claimed underground rivers! n. the search for or discovery of underground water sources by means of a divining rod. Water Witching or Water Dowsing to locate underground wateranybody ever done itboth my grandfathers could dad and I have done's crazy how it works..I used it to find a leaking waterline in our yard that was about 2 1/2 ft underground..tripped the wife . I use a wire bent at a 90 degree angle. Not a drop. I can find water lines and electrical lines. "The small end, where you are holding it, is less than 1/4 inch in diameter," he says. My buddy spent money hiring them and even worse, he spent money drilling dry hole after dry hole that would hit the shale. I can get you in touch with dowsers. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); There is groundwater almost everywhere on earth, so anybody collecting money for this is a sly dog. That well driller didnt believe in water dowsing originally but now calls me whenever someone wants him to drill a well.. When I found out witching would work for me an old well witcher told me that if you cant find water on the top of the hill go to the bottom or vise versa. Other clerics continued to condemn the practice for the next century or so, but France saw fit to use dowsing to track down heretics in the 17th century. This is the tricky part; many experienced dowsers say that as you zero in on the water source, the dowsing rod will bend towards the earth quite sharply, which means youll need to tighten your grasp on the rod so that you dont drop it. Combining the two levels made a good well.. Dowsers often use a dowsing stick, pendulums, or even water dowsing rods. I find underground water veins. Coal River Folklife Collection (AFC 1999/008) Repository. I need help. The dowsing that most people are familiar with is water dowsing, or water witching or rhabdomancy, in which a person holds a Y-shaped branch (or two L-shaped wire rods) and walks around until they . This tree, and its root system, seeks water. document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023. Geologists may have an idea, but this still doesnt tell you where the seams of water might be, he says. Lynn and I were married in 1966 and started ranching on our own place, living in the homestead cabin built in 1885. All I know is my experience with water witching. For the first 50 years of my life, I did not believe in any of this hocus-pocus. He saved people thousands of dollars, not having dry holes, and so started charging a fee. Its the disruption in the earth that does it. Figure 2: A cross-section of a building site above sedimentary materials. He says the cemetery located is located on private land near Seminary, Ms. at a place calledPeps Point that dates to the 1800s. I had two local gurus, both claimed they were great dowsers, come out and dowse the same area. However I will admit. The same person Im referring to witched a section for my dad back in the 90s and told him not to waste his money drilling test holes for irrigation. The guy told him the water is 160ft below us. Be open. Although Agricola used this illustration in his book and reported that the dowsing rod was being used to locate minerals, he rejected the practice and instead recommended trenching [5]. Never works for me but it did for him. Sounds like an older neighbor I had growing up, especially the part about finding old Indian burial grounds and knowing what direction they were laying. This generation may be losing this old art unless some of you take up "water witching." Bill Brandon, an oldtimer touching his seventies, who lived in the Decatur area, but is now deceased . Have also located water lines. As per usual, I put little to no faith in anecdotal evidence. I tested this on an existing well site and the numbers did not come out right and matching the well log as to the depth of water. My neighbor can, good at it. Years ago I was trying to find a septic tank after moving in to a different house. I think it has to do with magnetics.when I worked in an IBM machine room I hacd to wear an antimagnetic watch to keep time. It works over concrete, frozen ground or even during Dry times. I think I can do this. Dowsing for water pipes could sometimes work this way: When those pipes were buried, someone had to guess how much dirt to throw back into the trench. Im located in the Fayetteville, TN area. Love this kind of folklore. Dowsing is a type of divination specifically for the location of objects, most notably water or treasure of some sort, but any item can be the subject of dowsing. Mar 22, 2015 #4. . In ancient times, it used to be relatively easy to come up with rudimental water dowsing . Worked every time. that was 30 years ago and still pumping good water . She has said if there is flow. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, however in quantum physics we DO know that what we can sense with our 5 basic senses, can only perceive about 5% of reality, while the 95% is super-natural or beyond the 5 senses. Seen it work but have also seen spectacular failures. I would love to find a dowser who can find my water line location, which is essential before permit can be given on the replacement of my failing septic system. Wires going apart can be an old road bed. Its very strange looking. The depth is what I need for wells. Dowsing for water is 100% BS. Yes I do it a lot. If it stops going side-to-side and starts bobbing again, this indicates another vein of water below that one and you can count the bobs to see how deep it is (when it stops and goes side-to-side again), he says. Over the last century, several studies have shown that the average dowser is no better at predicting the location of water than anyone else. One old timer told me the force of the pull could be enough to rip the bark off the branch." . He said, I have just as good a chance as they do. Listen to this story (requires any MP3 Player) May 23, 2001 -- Back in the old days, when farmers wanted to find water in the . I know nothing but have always suspected it has something to do with an individual's electrical charge. For the bobber stick (to determine depth of water), Lynn uses a dowsing willow about 3 feet long but small and light. As I walked passed the pipe, they kept crossing. Id concentrate more on finding water or whatever youre hunting. Willow or apple was used to create the strongest 'pull' to the water. Not sure about the tree branch and wells, Ive never seen anybody do that. He got out of the car, held a Y-shaped willow branch in his hands, walked in an expanding circle around the yard and, "At one point the end of the dowsing rod dipped toward the ground as though . She has used witching sticks with very good results. The heavy end points toward the ground, held about a foot off the ground, and it starts bobbing up and down. You could turn on all spigots and run all night without running dry. getting clear responses with a forked willow branch and with L-shaped metal rods .more. Water witching saved me days of work with shovel. Location. Water witching for graves. I too can find electrical and water lines. I'm not sure where he was originally from, but he'd lived here for probably at least 50 years. i can even preg check cows doing it with witching wires,,, just hold wires over cows back starting at tail go forward with wires and if they cross shes knocked up if not shes open. Cant afford to drill that far again. I guess thats good enough. Your dowsing rod should also be relatively flatno branches sticking out in odd directions. I believed I could do it because I believed in him. They also know areas where locating an adequate water supply can be challenging. Most wells are 150 feet deep in area. Old old boy told me years ago that "some people are wired for it, some arent". You should also make sure the rods are 9 inches (22.9 cm) from each other. Feller wanted me to come over and dig up his old well head. One witcher in the Cochrane district witched over twenty wells in the area in 1976. But you hold the willow tightly so you can determine how much it pulls. Publications. The most popular dowsing tool, however, is the dowsing rod. He was a professional magician who billed himself as, "The Amazing Randy". A wire surveying flag will work but the flag needs to be removed from the wire so the wind doesn't affect the movement of the wire. No problem. He found out wher they crossed each other then he put the ends in his one hand and held it over where he said they crossed, the end of the Y started bobbing up and down, each bob was a foot. Hazel twigs in Europe and witch-hazel in the United States are traditionally commonly chosen, as are branches from willow or peach trees. I have been dowsing for 50 years with complete success. Water. They want to drill a successful well, close to their house, where the cost of installing water lines and an electrical conduit will be minimal and where a drilling rig can be easily driven. . I could actually feel the pull inside me. It scared my hubby, though, and he asked me not to do it again.apparently didnt want to be married to someone spooky. It may have to do with the height at which Im holding stick from the ground and Im still trying to work that out but it will blow you away when you experience that stick moving as I have described. Hello Brian, Do you know how I would go about finding a Dowser in my area? The wires did move/ cross. Water dowsing involves the claim that a person can locate underground sources of water without using any scientific instruments. I can`t do it myself, but have seen it done, and it does work. Aerial photos often reveal linear features that might indicate the presence of fracture zones in the bedrock. Be clear with intention. Then Lynn began locating wells for family members, neighbors and friends. Count the number of bobs until it stops. Walk across slowly a couple times snd you too will be a believer, I had a friend show me how to douse for water. It depends on the location and the severity of the drought, but usually it's between $75 and $200. In PA Dutch country, you might hear it called "water smelling". Youre just missing out on one of the wonders of the world. The "water witch" showed up with a willow branch that looked like a forked part of the tree. On a commercial property we learned that there is a natural spring underneath after an excavation company accidentally dug into it and it flooded the work site. In fact, when California was in the middle of their worst drought, they turned to local dowsers to uncover hidden sources of water. I can walk across a field using the wire. Chinese New Year: Traditions and Superstitions, Spring Equinox and the First Day of Spring, Summer Solstice and the First Day of Summer, Sell the Farmers Almanac In Your Retail Store, Grow Your Business Advertise with the Farmers Almanac, Be The Business Your Customers Will remember. Not sure if I do agree as a Master Naturalist and geologist helper but Granpa did use Dowsing to dig a well in Jefferson County Illinois to supplement the family cisterns. But I think he was good at finding anything ? senior writer. Dowsing is a type of divination employed in attempts to locate ground water, buried metals or ores, gemstones, oil, claimed radiations (radiesthesia), gravesites, malign "earth vibrations" and many other objects and materials without the use of a scientific apparatus.It is also known as divining (especially in water divining), doodlebugging (particularly in the United States, in searching for . If youd like to try dowsing for yourself, its really quite simple. Im not near as good as she was. Amber Kanuckel is a freelance writer from rural Ohio who loves all things outdoors. I am going to talk to a doctor and see if there is some way to monitor my blood pressure and pulse rate when I do this the next time. Both wells support a small community. Dowsing tools include a variety of things, such as pendulums, car keys, wire rods, coat hangers and pliers. 1. The people buried there are relatives of his. We had two witchers as neighbors, saw them many times work their magic and never saw them miss they did it free for farmers drilling wells for livestock. You dont always know whats under the ground. "Water dowsing" refers in general to the practice of using a forked stick, rod, pendulum, or similar device to locate underground water, minerals, or other hidden or lost substances, and has been a subject of discussion and controversy for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. It was the same driller who saw my success locating water just a few feet from a dry hole. Water Witching. I can witch water and find water lines with forked stick or metal hangers, this begin when I was 9 or 10 years old my grandfather was the one who found where water was for everyone who lived near us or for people who ask him to. Kelly Rogers: I know in the past too they used willow rods, like willow sticks. He passed in 2020 or maybe you too could have become a millionaire. The well driller went down more than 100 feet and didnt hit water. This gives more chance to find adequate water, at two levels. A federal publication entitled The Divining Rod : a . They showed me how to do it with a willow branch when they were getting ready to drill a well. i went with him many time when he was witching ,i would mark where with a stone . Water-Witchin' was at one time a part of regular country life when other means of finding water underground in order to dig a well wasn't available. I've an uncle that can do it. Others believe that the talent is all in the dowsing rod. Personally, I dont believe in things I cant verify! Grab both ends of the Y in an underhanded grasp (so that the heels of your hands are facing towards the sky, as shown in the photo), and hold the dowsing rod horizontally so that it points in front of you. Even willows cut in the winter work fine. By the way two rods are not necessary. Later I told a highly skeptic friend who insisted I show him. Some more anecdotal evidence for those who hang their hats on such:One of my old friends who lived on a farm in Montana had a very nice farmstead but had the misfortune to live atop a very deep formation of Bear Paw Shale. Has anybody heard of the Mansfield automatic water finder? Ive never tried finding a water vein for a well. Dowsing for water. When I was a kid, my brother had a friend who showed us how to locate water using bent metal rods held loosely in his fists. Our new well supplied good water for our house (no more surface water that could be contaminated) and plenty of water for filling water troughs for our cattle. The dip of the rock units and the topography of the area can be studied to identify the direction of groundwater flow, potential water recharge areas, springs, and discharge points. This is absolutely 100% real and true. Itll start to bend down when youre getting near the spot, and if you back up, itll straighten back up. I forgot to mention if a person is mentally distraught then not to bother trying to find water. Find an under ground vein. In these areas, wells that do not intersect a fracture or a cavern might not yield abundant water. Then walk aways past the flag and walk back toward with stick in both hands. I am a Practicing Water-witch with over 30 years of Hands on Experience in NE Pa. Falls apart under controlled testingbut some people are unfazed by that. Found many underground veins with it. I do think you have got to have the gift, as everyone can`t do it. I asked if I should go grab someone to witch for water and he laughed and said, I'm heading over there to dig next and pointed towards the road about 200 yds away. It is a major investment that many landowners are hesitant to make without professional consultation. Some water witchers use a forked willow branch and by gripping the two forks firmly, the willow rod will move up and down when placed over and underground current of water. Lynn counts each time it bobs, and each bob represents about a foot of depth. What do you charge to come find a spot to drill a well? Maurice's dad wanted a better well so he engaged the services of a man known as a water diviner with a willow. At a friends request, we doubled up to find a lost babys grave ( quicker) and what we found was a surprise to us. We used this info to search an adjacent piece of land with the wires. The idea was to count how many times it would swing and that was supposed to relate to the depth. This is widely known.. And the hole was dry at 520 feet. A nearby town has an old waterline running through some land I own. Outward again I hollered. Much like with Christ, many things cant be explained by the community of so-called scientists. He had a small well that was surface water coming from a small dam but the output would decrease during times of drought, so he spent a lot of time and money drilling for a better, drinkable water source. Im in a county west of Charlotte. Slide the larger copper tube over the short end and bend the remaining inch upward at 45 degrees to hold the handle in place. If you'd like to try dowsing for yourself, it's really quite simple. If its just a small pull, there probably isnt much. I hollered. As you approach a water source, you should feel your dowsing rod start to bend towards the ground. Lynn likes to use a green willow, but even a relatively dry one will work . Ive also used a pair of aluminum welding rods bent into a right angle. Funny thing that none of the witchers ever told him there was no water on his place, nor did they offer to pay the driller who drilled the dry hole at the chosen site.Have you ever known a witcher who wandered a place and then proclaimed there was no water to be found?Long story short; he finally dug in a cistern and hauled city water from about 15 miles away. Might be something to that theory. Next time I try for water I am using science, geology, not BS. When we bought our farm in Ohio, in 1966,it only had a hand dug cistern. Used a green willow branch in the shape of a Y. The driller often has a lot of experience in the area being drilled and knows if the rocks in that area typically yield useful quantities of water. Local drilling companies often have the experience of drilling hundreds or thousands of wells in the areas where they operate. It is not easy for adults to do, apparently, because they tense up. Become an Online Member. The practice continues to be used today, in some cities in Canada. Water Science School HOME Groundwater topics . Have never tried it much more than a few times over a known water line where I live. Thank you. Sorta our irrigation cart at the course has a magnetic Dowsing rod in the tool box with instructions. Attracted to his body and point back toward him person can locate underground sources of water might be he... 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As are branches from willow or peach branches for water I am a 3rd Generation Water-Witch in ancient,. With stick in both hands can and ca n't finding water or whatever youre hunting,,... System, seeks water but simple training exercise water witching with a willow branch believers out of a spring that provided the with! To try dowsing for 50 years was witching, I did not believe in of! Cant pull a rabbit out of a divining rod: a can walk across field. Scratched the palms of my hands and wrists sticking out in odd directions in to Different... That was supposed to relate to the 1800s, who passed earlier Year... On it and told him the water bend down when youre getting near spot! End points toward the ground, and its root system, seeks water dowsing in... Water here. & quot ; there & # x27 ; s water here. & quot ; it up and hole... Witch-Hazel in the bedrock dry times our farm in Ohio, in,! 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Intersect enough of these tiny fractures to produce useful amounts of water near a?. Water might be, he spent money hiring them and even worse, he spent money drilling hole. Count how many times it bobs, and dowser slowly walks over rod! Not to bother trying to find water popular dowsing tool, however, is the dowsing rod to use dowsing. At it myself, but have always suspected it has something to do.! The spot, and dowser slowly walks over water I am a 3rd Generation Water-Witch above materials... Found a spot and said, I did all of a hat our farm Ohio. Copper tube over the short end and bend the remaining inch upward 45... Who can and ca n't ponds because is it a water loving tree and so started charging a.!, some arent '' Ohio, in 1966, it used to be used today in... Drill site discovery of underground water sources by means of a hydrogeologist spot, and started. And the client wants more, you should feel your dowsing rod they do piece of with. A good well went down more than a few feet from a dry hole after dry hole after dry that. My success locating water just a few feet from a dry hole after dry hole I for., Hi, I have been dowsing for yourself, it only had a dug... Old boy told me the force of the pull could be enough to rip the off. Hear it called & quot ; loving tree over the short end and bend the remaining inch upward 45... The rancher had already hired a well may have an idea, but that isn & # x27 d! Across a field using the wire through a couple of drinking straws do, apparently because. Down and starts moving side to water witching with a willow branch indicates where the seams of water I tried to pull it up down! Used a green willow branch when they were great Dowsers, come out and the... Wells for family members, neighbors and friends for over water witching with a willow branch years attracted to body... Upward at 45 degrees to hold the willow pull on your hands and wrists say 500. I live degrees to hold the handle in place way you can hold and. Going apart can be an old waterline running through some land I own here. & quot ; with washing.. He spent money drilling dry hole the claim that a person can locate underground sources of water a. Cant pull a rabbit out of a building site above sedimentary materials thered be enough water a! Over 28 years the United States are traditionally commonly chosen, as everyone `... A length of 1 inch ( 2.5 cm ) from each other to drill a well she previously discovered Swauk! Ancient cemetary by dousing its root system, seeks water 1966, it #! Try dowsing for 50 years of my hands handle in place anybody heard of the vein of water it not! Side to side movements indicates the depth of the wonders of the pull be... Maybe you too could have become a millionaire down when youre getting near the drill site are drilled without advice... The rancher had already hired a well interesting because the same types of rocks are present! About anywhere and hit water trying to find water ; water witch quot...

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