After dying again in the Fusion Saga, several anime-only scenes show Yamcha training on Grand Kai's planet, where (with a restored passion for fighting) he is able to take out both Olibu and a Winged Gorilla fighter with ease. The Intermission is a good opportunity to level up Yamcha and unlock any available skills and Super Attacks from the Super Attack Skill Tree. Yamcha was the strongest human character at the time. However, hearing Puar's story impresses Gohan, who says he had no idea he did that for Puar and that he really is a great guy. He manages to elude Mecha Frieza by hiding in some bushes, and accidentally bumps his head on one of the three Time Fairy warriors. Yamcha is the strongest normal human. First of all none of the single character in Dragon Ball are ordinary ones, all of them have universal level power capable of destroying planets. Yamcha quickly grabs it, advancing his team further into the tournament and earning praise from Gohan. There is no time to say hello as an armed Pasta bursts into the scene and riddles Yamcha's chest with bullets seemingly killing him to Puar's distress. Dragon Garrow Lee's spin-off manga, Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated as Yamcha, shows what would occur if a boy in Yamcha's body was aware of all of the events that would occur in the future - unlike in the mainstream series, Yamcha trains early on with Goku at Master Roshi's and has gotten drastically stronger to the point where he becomes unscathed by several Saibamen explosions at once. Later on when Cell broadcasts his intentions to hold his Cell Games, a tournament of sorts with himself as the only opponent, Yamcha decides to accompany the fighters, but along with Tien decides not to participate. They chant him on, encouraging Beerus to take a bite. After Goku fought with "Monaka" (Beerus wearing a Monaka costume), Yamcha accidentally points out Monaka passing out from the fight. If Gohan talks to Puar (Yamcha cannot be in his party) in West City, Puar says his curiosity is killing him and after noticing Gohan, he asks him to do a small favor. During the final battle between Goku and Moro, when Goku is having his energy drained, Yamcha and the others give their energy to Vegeta so that he can pass it on to Goku in an attempt to revitalise him. Yamcha decides to accompany Goku and travels with him to see Fortuneteller Baba at her palace to learn the location of the last Dragon Ball to revive Upa's father, Bora. The next morning, with the balls now inert, the gang goes their separate ways. Above the arena platform, Yamcha is seen lying down on one of the large poles, disheartened and disinterest in taking part after realizing that his more powerful friends are competing. During the Intermission that follows the Frieza Saga, Yamcha is shown to have returned to dating various women after having been revived. Unfortunately, the gang is then attacked by a Red Ribbon Fleet, Roshi fights back with a Kamehameha (amazing Yamcha), but they are still captured by General Blue. As Shenron appears, Yamcha willingly gives up his wish, as he and Bulma look into each other's eyes. During the conflict with the Saibamen, the storyline is slightly altered as Yamcha is a support only character, thus Gohan fights the Saibamen with Yamcha as a support. Yamcha is able to defeat the Saibamen like in the original series, but it catches him off guard and kills both itself and Yamcha with its Self-Destruct (Tien's fight with the Saibamen first is omitted). Really?," and that's a fair response, but here's the thing, Yamcha isn't all that weak. In the anime, near the end of the Cell Games, Yamcha along with the rest of the Z Fighters help in distracting Cell long enough for Gohan to raise the power of his attack in an attempt to destroy the Bio-Android. Despite his more comical and cowardly demeanor, Yamcha will still step up to fight for peace when needed such as when Kid Buu attacked Other World and saving Vidro from Hit (in the anime) and Meta-Cooler (in the manga) despite being enemies which earned him the respect and infatuation of Hearts and Vidro respectively. The Dragon Ball franchise has few contenders for its post powerful human character. He roughly slaps him on the back actually making the unguarded Beerus stagger slightly which worries Vegeta that it might upset him, but Beerus just shrugs it off. Down below, Doskoi backhands another fighter into the pole, causing Yamcha to slide off and fall into the water where he is disqualified. In the Fortuneteller Baba Saga, Yamcha fights See-Through the Invisible Man, who beats him up due to being invisible. Tenshinhan does not belong to our species and everyone considers him a human. Bitter breakup and her marriage to Vegeta notwithstanding, Yamcha and Bulma still love each other dearly as childhood friends, enough so that the latter unhesitatingly wept in the former's arms as he comforted her at the news of Vegeta's death battling Buu. With that in mind, there's a good chance Yamcha would be the one to come out on top if the two were to come to blows in Dragon Ball's future. Later in the city, Yamcha easily defeated and subdued three members of Moro Corps', before heading off after tracking another source of ki energy, which turns out to be Zauyogi. The reason why Krillin is the strongest human character in Dragon Ball is that he trained under Master Roshi, Trained with Goku, and got his potentials unlocked. Not wanting to face the wrath of an angry Ox-King, Yamcha races back to the scene and apologizes to Chi-Chi, saying he did what he did because he is crazy with love for her. Despite being the best player, he still longed for the days of being a fighter. After proclaiming he has saved the world, Yamcha runs off as Janemba chases him. When Shu ambushes Goku, Bulma and Oolong, stealing five of their six balls along with destroying their car with his Pilaf Machine, Yamcha has to again intervene, this time joining the group. Yamcha later watches with Bulma as the Dragon Balls come together and Penny wishes to get rid of the Blood rubies. At the beginning of Dragon Ball Z, his ki level is calculated to be 177 ki units by the Tracker used by Bulma. Is a scientist, has a beautiful wife,wife shares his hobby, is the strongest person on Earth. Emperor Pilaf's wish is interrupted by Oolong and, as punishment, the group is moved into a giant solar-oven like cell to die the next day when the sun comes up; they are not contained long though before Goku transforms into a Great Ape and destroys their cell by the light of the full moon. This article is about the original character. Heck, he's not even the weakest superhuman in the series, he's just gotten a bad rap after becoming something of a joke. In a Dragon Ball SD promotion to congratulate Saiky Jump on its third anniversary, Yamcha appears as a Super Saiyan 3 along with Puar, Kid Goku, Krillin, and Master Roshi. He's the third strongest human character, only outclassed by Tien Shinhan and Krillin. MORE: Frieza Confirms His Last Defeat Will Come From Broly, Not Goku Or Vegeta. When Vegeta begins to fire ki blasts into the ball to give it more power Yamcha makes a break for 2nd, which causes Vegeta to stop attacking Goku and overpowers Vegeta's pitch but is caught out by Botamo who throws the ball to Goten but misses him so Yamcha makes another break to 2nd base but is struck by both Champa and Vegeta at the same time but still made it to the base and allowed to stay due to being attacked. Will artificial intelligence and ChatGPT 'change the world'? His Turtle School uniform also appears as a clothing option, the DLC outfit Yamcha's Clothes which he wore during his days as a desert bandit, and Yamcha's Sword appears as an accessory. While in prison with the Gang, Yamcha mostly gets over his anxiety around Bulma, connecting with her and even sharing an accidental kiss after an explosion rocks the prison. Pearl says she can't believe that happened and calls Yamcha a loser, while Sapphire thinks his pose is lame, though Gohan is horrified due to being reminded of his previous death. In Kakarot, Yamcha is a support character like his fellow Earthlings Krillin, Tien, and Chiaotzu. Although he is killed, he dies a hero's death. RELATED:The Goku Vs Superman Debate Ignores The Saiyans' Dumbest Weakness. A former desert bandit, Yamcha was once an enemy of Goku, but quickly reformed and became a friend and ally. In the Kid Buu Saga, it is shown that he, along with Krillin, were also strong enough to stay on their feet against Kid Buu after being hit by one of his attacks; the two also lasted longer than all of the other dead fighters. Around this time Yamcha drops hints to Bulma that he is ready to settle down. Working with Goku, the two recover carrot Bulma and through Puar's trickery get Monster Carrot to change her back. His long hairstyle from the Saiyan Saga is also one of the Warrior's selectable hair options. Goku takes over the fighting at this point and defeats Bandages the Mummy with one hit, as well as the rest of Fortuneteller Baba's fighters. Yamcha Vs a Regular Human. Yamcha flies his new ship until it is destroyed by Amond. Puar asks if Yamcha is alright as he looks exhausted and in pain. Despite this, his first match was against Mecha-Frieza, where he quickly retreated from the tyrant. After being beaten around by the Brigade advisor, he finds assistance from Tien and Chiaotzu, who join the fight alongside him, but even together, the trio struggle against their opponent. Yamcha is also on good terms with Trunks and tells Future Trunks that his father really loved him. Both ladies then pull-out Capsules containing two Skull Robo Type 3s and two Assist Robots. The Terrible Saibamen!". In the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga, Yamcha makes his official return in, There's a special dialogue between Yamcha and Turles, should they fight one-another - Yamcha will mention his vehicle being totaled, with the latter responding with ignorance of the situation. During the Universal Survival Saga, Yamcha overhears Goku and Gohan's conversation, which outright implies that his passion for fighting still lingers (eagerly heading home to wait and be recruited by Goku for the Tournament of Power). His livelihood is mainly working together with Puar as a freelance bodyguard, and he occasionally goes to Tien Shinhan's to help with the farm as well.[11]. When Super Buu escapes from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber Yamcha is quickly turned into chocolate and eaten with the others. Is a policeman,is the strongest human on Earth,has a beautiful wife and a kid. Later they have a brief fight with Kid Buu in the Other World. When the Androids later arrive on Master Roshi's island looking for Goku, Yamcha stays behind along with Tien Shinhan while Piccolo goes off with them to fight on a deserted island. However, Tien does not stop at that. After Baba's Tournament, Roshi begins training Yamcha as his pupil. Yamcha watches as SSJ2 Gohan and the Future Warrior weaken Cell enough for Gohan to finish him off with the Father-Son Kamehameha, causing Yamcha to cheer the victory over Cell. Future Trunks shows up after (with the belief that he'll no longer exist if Vegeta and Bulma aren't together), and Yamcha defeats him as well, realizing that he must be the strongest fighter in the universe. In the manga, Bulma suggested Yamcha as a member for Team Universe 7, and Tien believed that he was the last member Goku was recruiting. For a young Monk, Krillin had a power level that was far greater than any normal human. Remember, Vegeta at the beginning of Z was capable of destroying planets. Despite this fact, he remains a trusted ally and will fight on occasion when needed. Yamcha says he bet he could have done some real good on Namek and since Gohan was there, he bets that Gohan would be a great judge of his strength and that's why he wants to fight him. Yamcha does not get the opportunity to fight until Perfect Cell creates his Cell Juniors, who attack the Z Fighters and quickly take most of them out, including Yamcha, who got his arm brutally broken in the battle. Krillin's power level before he died was 1700 and when he was on Planet Namek, his potential . After Jaco briefs everyone on Kami's Lookout about Moro's gang arriving to Earth, Krillin suggested to Piccolo of asking for Yamcha's help. He wears them the opposite way Goku did ("Kame" on the back and "Kai" on the chest), except in Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might where he wears the "Kai" kanji on the back and "Kame" on the chest.[19]. He is returned to life 130 days later in the first batch of wishes from Porunga and continues to live at Capsule Corporation with Puar, Bulma, and now Vegeta. In hospital for the rest of the competition, Yamcha listens to the remainder of the fights on the radio, and manages to be there for the fight between Goku and Tien. His hair is almost the same style as the one he had during the Saiyan Saga and Frieza Saga, with the long sideburns he had during his introduction in the Emperor Pilaf Saga. Gohan's inhuman strength scares off the ex-boyfriend and Yamcha's girlfriend. Unfortunately, it backfires when one of the Skull Robo Type 3s grabs him from behind and Self Destructs causing a repeat of the Saibaman incident that killed him, which even Gohan admits was lame by comparison. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse, one of Yamcha's playable forms can use the Kaio-ken technique as one of his Supers. In the end, Beerus beats Goku, but doesn't destroy Earth and goes home. Three years later, Yamcha competes in the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament alongside his friends Goku and Krillin. Yamcha tries to save face by defeating the robots which he had previously powdered up for the girls at Capsule Corporation. Similar to the show Yamcha attacks Goku (who is not hungry in this version) after he demands all the capsules and money they have and is winning the fight but flees upon seeing Bulma due to his girl phobia. Yamcha mentions that the universe's fate is in their hands. Tien also jumps and kicks Yamcha, knocking him out. Yamcha is among the group attending Mr. Satan's party. It also to note that there are more turtle stones lying around than what the player is required to find. Yamcha then observes SSJ2 Gohan and the Future Warrior's battle against Dark Cell, before a Wormhole summons the Metal Cooler Corps. In Dragon Ball Super, Yamcha's outfit is a white martial arts with gray trousers (which is exactly the same attire he wore in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods). In another conversation with Krillin, he notes that Android 21 is attractive and due to a mistaken assumptions on his part he ends up teasing Krillin whom he assumes has thing for female Androids like 18 and 21. He and the rest of the group see Future Trunks off as he leaves for his own time and then they go their separate ways. On King Kai's planet, King Kai tells Goku that they all crossed Snake Way in a far shorter time than he did, and that they all requested for tougher training than what Goku had received. Puar explains that they were trying to keep up appearances that Yamcha was alive and well to his many girlfriends who were unaware of his death. He attacked again the following day, by knocking over the group's van with a panzerfaust, but was again challenged by Goku and retreated when Goku damaged his vanity by knocking one of his teeth out. Answer (1 of 13): So far in the DBZ universe there have been around 3 Human fighters that are main line, or side line characters.. NOT including half breeds (So no Gohan, or Goten or anything like them). Yamcha then witnesses the entire tournament and is present with the Z-Fighters as the wish with the Super Dragon Balls is made, and they all return to Earth. Yamcha appears in his own spin off manga, where a boy in his body is the main protagonist. During the Cell Games in the altered timeline of Age 767, the Future Warrior arrives to protect Tien and Yamcha from the Dark Cell Juniors. He listened to the youth, who claims that Goku will be arriving shortly and, after waiting for Goku's return, witnesses their sparring in awe. Find out nextFor live con. However, Bulla starts to cry as he makes a funny face, and this enrages Vegeta into turning into Super Saiyan Blue. He is Tiencha's EX Fusion counterpart. In the anime only, Yamcha and Krillin go to Grand Kai's Planet, where Yamcha recovers his passion for fighting. 5. However, Gohan finds a terrified Oolong in front of the Capsule Corporation. Three years after Baba's Tournament, Yamcha has improved greatly and participates in the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament. Evenly matched during their sparring practice, the two didn't fight long enough for a winner to be determined, though enough was shown for it to be clear that Krillin wasn't definitely stronger than him. However, a "revenge" variant exists should Yamcha beat Nappa, with the enraged Saiyan sending the suicide bomber Saibaman out. Later, he was decimated by a Cell Jr. when the small Bio-Androids attack, and only survives because the Cell Juniors were suppressing their power as they were ordered not to kill the Z Fighters. Chiaotzu is obviously the weakest member of the group, but it's not so clear about who is the strongest between Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha. Yamcha appears in the film as Bulma's boyfriend and Goku's friend (likely continuing from the previous movie). Because of the influence of Kami, after he died, Yamcha was allowed to train on King Kai's Planet in the Other World as Goku did earlier. Yamcha's Struggle! Yamcha thanks the Pride Trooper and follows him through the jungle, attempting to repair his reputation by revealing he is Goku's first rival and claiming his martial arts skills are among the top in his universe. After the tournament, Yamcha returns to West City with Bulma and the others. I don't think any other human character has a feat more impressive than easily beating up two SSj-tier opponents simultaneously. This also makes the second Sub Story: "Yamcha: the Man, the Myth, the Legend" become available. However, as already said, this is all anime-only filler. The creature was now believed to be dead, as it was beaten brutally by Yamcha. He pleads for a time out, but the clone puts him in a daze after hurling some glass projectiles at him. [15][16] Yamcha started out the series with long hair and bangs. Yamcha, who has just arrived at the Cell Games, is dragged into the Tournament of Time. In the end, Beerus beats Goku, but he doesn't destroy the Earth because he falls asleep in the process. Yamcha is one of the few Z Fighters who are shown to drive on a regular basis in Dragon Ball Z. He then heads to the Lookout to take refuge from the assault of the new terror, Majin Buu, and witnesses Goten and Trunks' first attempts at performing the Fusion Dance, and finally their success when they become Gotenks. In the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, Yamcha is defeated in the quarter finals by Hero, who was really a human possessed by Kami. Due to the human soul being a fan of Dragon Ball he is able to use his knowledge of the series to prevent Yamcha's death by Saibamen Bomb and as a result events play out differently for Yamcha. However, after activating this gravity setting, Yamcha suddenly finds himself completely overwhelmed and on the verge of being crushed to death by the gravity. My favorite human fighter is Yamcha, and I was really glad that (spoiler) he got a buff in the moro arc, training with Piccolo and Gohan. Don't know if that makes him the strongest player in college football, but it at least puts the 6-3, 320-pound junior in the . Yamcha would utterly destroy Captain America. In the anime, his own training methods began with standard weight-machines; however, his raw strength proved too much for the setup, quickly breaking them from too much force being applied to them. In another altered timeline created by Turles and Lord Slug who had been recruited by the Time Breakers, the Saibamen are not deployed, and Dark Nappa confronts the Z Fighters including Yamcha who survives to fight Nappa due to the change. During the Supreme Kai of Time Saga, Yamcha was recruited in the Super Space-Time Tournament to participate. Clearly Yamcha was referring to regular earthlings or otherwise . "Human". In gratitude for saving her Bulma gives Yamcha a big hug making the shy rogue blush and scream. In their hands among the group attending Mr. Satan 's party after hurling glass!, this is all anime-only filler the Legend '' become available City with Bulma as the Dragon franchise. 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