Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061. , from its inception, has been marred deeply by moral scandals and deception, and nothing has changed. The cancer was trying to have me, but THE WORD OF GOD SAID I WAS HEALED THROUGH WHAT JESUS DID ON CALVARY. Amen! For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? (1 Peter 2:20). I want to commend you for your stand regarding the Kansas City Fellowship. Thus, the tales these prophets speak of from their own imagination are called tails by God.The Church has accepted the teaching of prophets that are not speaking the truth. In 2020, GOD TV reported about Bob Jones' prophecy on the Kansas City Chiefs. . in July 1985, was the founder of the Word of Faith Satellite Network, host of Success-N-Life broadcasts, and founder and pastor of the Word of Faith World Outreach Center in Farmers Branch, Texas. Fact: God does not choose one of His saints to kill His saints. . Most ministries in Kansas City who had contact with him did not believe his prophecies and visions were truly from God. Does this make sense or is it more correct that these prophets are not 100% right because they are not speaking for God who is ALWAYS 100% right. Ligle logle lazie logle. The 2000 would reveal the glory of God. And it will start a Gods fire( Bob Jones,Visions and Revelations, 1988. We had a youth camp there. . magazine, and pastor of the 2,000-member Tabernacle Church in Melbourne, Florida. The exorcism didnt last. So according to their end time prophetic army they have a base 10-20% accuracy level. Its not have the faith in God, it is to have the faith of God. Wolves in sheep's clothing! He was not kicked out or thrown out of the church. These type of descriptions and non- conformity to the Bibles Jesus certainly raises the suspicion of a another Jesus, or spirit at work. . I requested Bob that for at least a month that he sit quietly and be still. . the extremely, highly prolific technicolor visions, upon leaving the hospital. Facebook, 13 Feb. 2023,, Furthermore, Pastor Vlad revealed that a revival also broke out on the campus 50 years ago in February 1970.,, After the dean invited students to share testimonies at the chapel service, students continued worshipping and praying for 144 hours, he said. . Transcribed by Sandy Warner, The following is the Word of the Lord through prophet Bob Jones with Todd Bentley at the Lakeland Florida revival, 5/13/08 evening service, via God TV. magazine featured this testimony in My Summer of Miracles., One day my wife suddenly spoke aloud [and] said, Your healing was purchased at the cross. Here is what I discovered. Transcribed by Sandy Warner, despite what the doctors said, I refused to say My cancer. It was not mine. I saw him a couple of times in the 70s, I didnt understand what it meant, I would just see the white horse(Mike Bickle interjects) The white horse always speaks in Bobs visionsIn his vision it speaks of the corporate purpose that God is bringing to pass (ibid. No wonder you are like you areTheyve got you in the crazy ward anyway, and you truly are crazy, seems to be an echo he carried with him afterwards, as he reacted to and rejected correction by other ministries for his spurious prophecies. Rejection is highly dangerous, esp. died March 29, 1976, drowned at Swope Park. Students Who Attended Asbury Revival Testify: One Said Its Cool To Be Israel and US Begin Development of Next-Generation Arrow 4 Defense System, Israeli Company Converting Trash into Car Parts of the Future, UN Report Accusing IDF of War Crime on Gaza Border Dismissed as Whitewashing of Hamas Terrorism, A UK Local Council Approves Controversial New Guidelines For Sex Education, Another Campus Revival Breaks Out At Cedarville University. Really you are so out of line you must be on a island, no where in the Word does a profit submit to anyone but God. All this to say that I Love you very much, Ernie, and Im behind you 100% in this matter. When he visited Father Divine in New York, he brought along four valets, four bodyguards, three secretaries, his housekeeper, a hairdresser, three musicians, 60 singers, a personal cook, and a dietitian. This was his concern; I can verify that he (Bob Jones) was at that time very unstable in his behaviorCAMERON HARVESTER CHURCHFebruary 28, 1990 Dear Ernie, Having had the (nameless) prophet (I should say shameless prophet) under my pastoral care for a few months prior to the creation of S.K.C.F., I can verify that he was at that time very unstable in his behavior. Bob Jones experienced correction., not rejection. This brings me to one further point at this time. The Bible teaches it the resurrection that makes us immortal. A violet flame is able to extinguish illnesses according to New age teaching. Below you will find a handful of new images from last night, Nigh 43 of the Florida Revival and Healing Outpouring. 3, No. Mike Bickle is not anymore reassuring:Now, obviously, probably about 80% of whats in the Body of Christ thats called prophecy is fleshiness. Understanding The Holy Of Holies Inside The Temple. I believe it's a powerful message and pertinent for this time. If you talk poverty, youll have it. And these will be like grandchildren to youeven those that you minister to wont be this generation; their children will be. So the church has not been built on it and those who rule in it will have defeated death and become God-men. Header Images: Kansas City Chiefs [@chiefs]. And you can take a little of that fire and impart it wherever it is needed. Prophet Bob Jones is pictured here prophesying to the first nations (Native American) people, as well as delivering a powerful word to the believers who came for a touch of Heaven. For men like me the Spirit of Elijah has fallen upon. (Why dont you) run away tonight and go back to town and get your gun and go kill them people, and then come back and sign into Veterans Hospital. And some of them has never come back to the Lord since then., MB: So. 2020202020Photos202620Bio 27s2020202020. I whole heartedly agree with all gospel action, but signs are not being scrutinized, prophecies and many prophets are not being examined. I had hoped that there would have been some discipline taken at S.K.C.F. And the Church that is raising up in the government will be the head and the covering for them. In June 1982 the story picks up. If this is accurate, (and there is not reason for him to say this unless it is), then the signs and wonders manifested by Jones and other prophets may not be from God at all. matlab app designer popup message female comedians of the 90s kalena ku delima prophet bob jones biography. (Without clarifying the voice he continues), ..And immediately, I cried out for help. ), 6. (LogOut/ Mary Gaston Jones died on May 12, 1989 in her 101st year83 years after the death of her husband's first wife. 1968. It had really grown and looked a lot like Christ. At the Lakeland service with Todd Bentley, Bob Jones explains the churches future:What is the Lord doing? in May 2007 included statements by former Without Walls staff members who testified that the Whites had shifted their focus to money and fame. Only three of these people were under the age of 30., The member testified that Bob Jones had the habit of jumping up, at any time he felt like it during the services, and prophesying. Also Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Finland. Bob Jones, an associate of the Olathe Worship Center of the Metro Vineyard Fellowship of Kansas City, confessed Saturday to sexual misconduct with two women, who attend a Vineyard church in the Kansas City area, said Kenn Gulliksen, North American coordinator for the Association of Vineyard Churches. In the early 80's God said He was going to change the Soviet Union. Establishing and confirming divine truth (Gods written Word) in His saints, for their edification and equipping, and preaching the convicting Law and saving Gospel to lost souls. hes went to bed at night and woke up the next morning with a big red streak across his face or a big cut, gash on his arm. Thats what the children are entering into: theyll have the Spirit without measure, theyll walk through walls; theyll be translatedeverything that was ever in the Scripture(Bob Jones,Visions and Revelations,1989, audio tape), Contrary to Jones spiritual elitism all Christians can come boldly before the throne and their prayers are ALWAYS heard and answered if they are ask according to Gods will. Funeral arrangements may be sent to: Reins-Sturdivant 270 . In the 1990's, we began to get a revelation of the Government of God. Every sign and wonder thats ever been will be many times in the last days.They themselves; will be that generation thats raised up to put death itself underneath their feet and to glorify Christ in every way. Jones explains to us that his healing power came when he was struck by lightning: It was about 76. We trust that your Christian honesty will preserve the integrity of this policy. So we are too immature to have prophets be right all the time? The memorial program handed my wife and me at Billy's coffin (crafted by prison inmates), said, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them" (Rev. Home Secretary Suella Braverman has expressed her concern after police recorded a 'hate incident' at a school after pupils caused 'slight damage' to a copy of the Quran when it fell on the floor . Watch out, as there will be a false prophet in your midst in the early days. By the way, we discovered it; so there is no mystery about that. According to Bob Jones when he was 13- The first time I ever seen the white horse was when an angel called Gabriel was riding. There is only one God man, the God who became man. Surely if Jones is one of the churches new generals we will be led to defeat. What make this a concern is that Alice Bailey, a spokesperson for the New Age Movement, described violet (or purple) light as a catalyst for bringing about healing: [There are]four groups of angels that are bands of servers who are pledged to the service of the Christ [the New Age Christ, not Jesus], and their work is to contact man and to teach them along certain lines. Bob Jones, speaks about the Army that Paul Cain taught, Joels Army: I went and I seen the Lord, and it was like He was looking at little yellow thingslittle round, yellow things like a spirit of God itself. Theyll move in the power that Christ did. Mike Bickle asked him in a dialogue You say that you saw the throne room? . was the nephew of this church member. Two or three days later a man run off the road and was killed. He said,If you knock that off well move back into all the signs and wonders you want to. (approx. "I saw there were two plagues coming to the global nations, especially the United States. Before the prophetic minister Bob Jones passed away in 2014, he released a prophetic word to Shawn Bolz. But in these last days, He speaks to us through His SON. And Jesus said, SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES for they testify of Me. John 5. but also there was a pull of the youth into immorality, drugs, and alcohol. Nearly everyone one of these men are separately or collectively involved in the Latter Rain false revivals that have taken place. Visions and Revelations.). I am in St. Louis pastoring, and a man namedAugustine Aculacomes through town. "For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. . Many that run in prophetic circles have respect for Jones, others Have a DIFFERENT OPINION and consider Jones a blatant false teacher/prophet that needs to be avoided. 2, p. 2). Me. Bob Jones is a contemporary prophet with a great love for the Lord Jesus and His truth. He taught Word-Faith doctrines and promised prosperity and healing to those who supported his ministry and exercised faith. I popped a videotape into my VCR and lay down on the sofa. Asbury Campus Revival. Man, you open the door to the devil every time. As they were burying them the Lord told me, This isnt the last. Bob Jones- a Tail of a Prophet. . , Aug. 11, 2010). , Cho taught a Word-Faith heresy called the Law of Incubation. He claimed that believers can create reality by forming a precise mental picture of a goal, then speaking it into existence. A bolt of lightning. He said, Oh, were collecting those who are foreknown and predestinated for the end-times, for you see, theyll be the best of all the seed thats ever been. And so they threw Bob Jones out.(P.His 1, p. 15), THE FACTS BY FORMer pastor AND A CHURCH MINISTER ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT: During the time of my pastorate at Berean Baptist Church, a man by the nameof Bob Jones came to our services and started, without contacting or consulting the pastor, proceeded to insert himself as a prophet in every servicedominated the worship and praise time with dire and foreboding prophecies, supposedly from God, mostly in the flesh. , March 1992, p. 90), he said there is no higher calling than ecumenical bridge-building. More red Flags MB:When Bob first walked in the office on March 7, 1983, he said, Ive come to get you to believe in a movement that is worldwide and that is going to touch the nations of the earth withsuch power and glory that it will go far beyond the book of Acts. - "About" David Cloud Before Gods Spirit is actually poured out in Israel and then to the world there is another spirit that will increase to bring in the false Christ, that will be empower people to do great signs and wonders by neglecting doctrine. The prophesy was that my church at that time would fail. I wholeheartedly agree with the conclusions you presented in your letter. This is right out of the Latter Rain/manifest sons of God manual. In this message Bob Jones shares his life story from the very first time that the Lord called him at a young age. He came under a false spirit, and operated out of that spirit, producing a counterfeit move of God! You find out what your blood is and what you can do.Bob Jones 2/95 Vancouver, Canada Vineyard, ( 112372859729293postid=9990224019736 action=messagesthreadid=9990224019736). Whatever is communicating to Jones has some hair raising tails to tell. And a lot of people have had a lot of good laughs about it. False prophecy can be a catalyst for false, counterfeit revival, moves of God and ministries! Those predictions were never made. They preach a charismatic prosperity message and live lavishly. Really a profit submitting to a preacher? His prophecies have spanned over three decades as the Lord has enabled him to foretell earthquakes, tidal waves, comets, and weather patterns. Will and Judy were dedicated Christians and were youth leaders. Bob was known as a contemporary prophet with a great love for the Lord Jesus and His truth. There are going to be thousands of young people gathered from around the world. Four years later, at age thirteen, he claims he was escorted to the throne room of God in heaven (like Cerullo and others). I would have this comment on the supposed fact that two young people on a motorcycle was proof of his predictionWill and Judy Pliska were accidentally killed by a Christian man who grievously attended the funeral service. The demon speaking to him in the hospital, Everybody has just mistreated you all your life. and Bob had given himself fully to this group and he was so depressed because this group rejected him and then he called in about some sin in the leadershipsome immoralityand they threw him out of the church. We have been praying for God to expose to the congregation at Kansas City Fellowship the errors in order that so many of Gods sincere people will not be damaged. . concerning this mans behavior, but to my horror the leadership there began to put a great deal of stock in his prophesies. 1 Cor. I was inside I didnt have my wires grounded in the basement down there, and I grabbed ahold of the refrigerator, and lightning hit the wires outside, and a great blue flame came in. Every miracle, sign and wonder that has ever been in the Bible theyll move in it consistently. There are many reports of phenomena similar to the kind Jones describe found in occultism: heat in ones hands when the spirit of healing comes over them; touching someone to feel the same pain in order to diagnose sickness; predicting future events concerning famous personalities. You knock that off well move back into all the time army they have a 10-20... Glory is it, if you knock that off well move back into all the time him DID believe! Have a base 10-20 % accuracy level with Todd Bentley, Bob Jones, visions and Revelations,.! Is one of these men are separately or collectively involved in the hospital brings to. Staff members who testified that the Lord Jesus and His truth this mans behavior, but to horror. 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