So disappointing. Chances this will resolve in months to come? Please speak with your NVISION Eye Center for additional details. Oh no, Im so sorry for what you had to endure. Im glad it all worked out. Close to 95% of all PRK patients are completely corrected to be able to see 20/20 or better. I signed some type of waiver and liability form so I never even thought of legal action I just felt the need to share so anyone contemplating the surgery would think maybe twice. I also had to take ALOT of unexpected work days off to have the same surgery LUCKY I wasnr fired/ let go due to it. There are rare instances when complications occur during or after PRK treatment. But while you are recovering from PRK, you will have an increase in these higher order aberrations at the one month mark. 8 month update I went to my ophthalmologist and he stated that I now have +4 farsighted in both eyes with astigmatisms. Unclear near vision 18 days after PRK laser eye surgery - Is this normal? Three to six months to be exact. No reading glasses just yet! Then I was told I needed an Astromal puncture, so I had that done. Here is what you can expect at each stage after PRK. I had PRK in November 2021. There are two types of corneal haze that patients may experience after the procedure. PRK is also generally less expensive than LASIK. Temporary glasses have not been helpful and I feel am just stuck in a bad situation. Dry eyes can affect your vision. It doesn't feel like there is much notable improvement during this time. Day 14 - 33. The more they scrub at the surface of the eye the more sensitive and slower the recovery seems to be (also keep in mind that everyone heals a bit different too). Because both of my eyes are different prescriptions, I need different cheater lenses for each eye in addition to different lenses for both eyes-with astigmatism correction for my left eye-to see in the distance. Also, the more you correct the more you risk an over-correction. I got PRK in 2005 because I was military and into extreme sports. The recovery was horrible! This symptom, which occurs most often in patients with light-colored (blue or green) irises, can be managed with sunglasses or with a prescribed eye drop that reduces pupil size. Regular account terms apply to non-promotional purchases. Being extremely near sighted makes me eager more and more to do the surgery but after reading this article and the replies Im really hesitant. Originally, I was told three days to a week but as you read further youll learn it was MUCH LONGER plus I needed a second PRK surgery just a year after the first. My long distance vision is good. In most cases, symptoms clear up within a few weeks; however, some individuals may need up to two or three months before complete resolution occurs. They actually made it seem far worse than I experienced, but in all of my follow-ups the ophthalmologist said that my recovery has been far better than expected. I want to sue him because I havent seen a day clearly since the surgery and its painfully affecting my life a lot. I was DEVASTATED when I was told I had to re do PRK almost 8 month later due to blurry vision amoung other things like dry eye and light sensitivity. In a nutshell I WOULDNT RECOMMEND DOING A PRK SURGERY, unless you have a very big number, because the risk of many complications (as described above) IS NOT SOMETHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO IGNORE! Cant describe the pain and the medication Ive had to take. The appointment was quick. What is the fastest way to recover from PRK? At my six week appointment I was told I have scar tissue that was not healing as it should. And after some research and figuring out the right date for me before our mega three month trip to Spain and Portugal, I was ready. My vision is as bad as before, maybe worse! Also, some career fields like military personnel or first responders may have certain requirements only allowing PRK versus LASIK because of the possible flap complications. I am one and a half years post op. I only use them every once in awhile now 5 years later. Stay strong and positive thatll eventually get better. However, vision should improve greatly by one month after the procedure. I did not see my doctor but another one that was in the office that day. Your vision will continue to fluctuate, and you may experience blurriness, though it should dissipate within a week or two. 4. Now, I dont need reading glasses, but I dont enjoy the same corrected vision I had prior to PRK. Just when it would get bad it would be time for more drops which made them feel better. I am young but I feel like an old grandma because I cant see anything . When the eye covering is removed, your vision may be blurry. Its a good idea to avoid screens during this time. When we use glasses and surgery to correct vision, we correct two prescription measurements: sphere (how nearsighted you are) and astigmatism (how much your cornea resembles a cylinder or football). I made a little chart for all the meds because it was hard to keep track of when and how many to administer. I wish, I had read about your experience before getting PRK done. How blurry? Since different people have had different recovery timelines, it is important to remember that the timing is extremely variable. Pain and discomfort are the most common side effects associated with PRK surgery. It feels like I have a sunburn on my right eye and I can not see anywhere near as good as I could have with my glasses. i cant imagine it hurting worse that that. Keep screen time to a minimum for the first few days including television, phones and the computer. I'm still somewhat far-sighted and over-corrected, but it doesn't bother me at this . But the difference was, I was driving the next day and I could see perfectly when I woke up after the first day. After a few eye tests, the doctor said everything looked great. I did not feel comfortable driving and my eyes themselves felt extremely sensitive to the touch. Well some of your concerns seem valid. These are just a fraction of problems I currently deal with them on a constant basis. My husband always had perfect vision and is considering Lasik because he should to wear glasses now. I hardly had any spherical power in the left eye, but got it checked today, and it was -6. When I had to look into the eye test thing. The vision in each eye doesnt match though. I asked all the important questions while trying not to burst into tears with the idea of doing this all over again like: My head was spinning with the thought of going through all of this again. As recovery continues, your eyesight will gradually start to improve. How Long Should You Wear Sunglasses After PRK? I had a corneal transplant due to keratoconus 20 years ago. LASIK is a brief, painless procedure commonly performed to treat nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. No swimming, hot tubbing, spa, or whirlpool for at least 2 weeks to reduce the risk of infection. . I hadnt seen anyone else having the issues of looking in certain directions. I run a startup company so I have that luxury. I already feel like I am going to have to push for a prescription at my next appointment but I would rather pay for temporary glasses than live in a blur. All my symptoms remained the same as month one and two. For about 12 hours, the pain was unbearable. I literally dread nighttime everyday and pretty much just stay home. It was very painful at first but after a few minutes the pain went away. After having a procedure done, you may experience blurry or fluctuating vision for some time afterward. It is definately not true that someone can drive or go back to work in Day 5 after surgery. I didnt think it was funny and Ill be damned if I go back to him. The number of drops was tiered over the course of 7 days with the numbing one only to be used a few times when in pain. Light sensitivity typically only lasts a few days after surgery, after which your blurry vision should diminish. If eye drops help, you're definitely suffering from dry eye (normal at this stage), so keep using drops, omega 3, etc. The pain, sensitivity and frustration I felt was identical to your experience. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. He can get away with not since his prescription is next to nothing but he keeps talking about Lasik since he thinks my issue was specific to PRK. There was astigmatism in my left eye that was causing me to go back into glasses to see sharply again. Then the rate of change slows down. However, it comes with some potential disadvantages as well. Check out These Are The Best Eye Drops After Lasik (also applies to PRK) to learn which artificial tear drops work best. First, lets discuss why I got PRK instead of LASIK and why you might have to do the same. I personally chose PRK myself and had a great surgeon that was very easy on the eye throughout the procedure and their method utilized a disc instead of a well to apply the alcohol directly to the treatment area reducing the after surgery pain. Its been 5 years dince first surgery andb4 years since second surgery for me and I still have bad vision at night, but my dry eyes have gotten better. 20/40 is still pretty good and it seem like the blurry vision may be due to you seeming to be a huge hypochondriac. He did my cornea transplant in 2001. Im definitely NOT going back for a third surgery does anyone seeking for legal help for the experience?? The bad day for me was day 3 the pain was unbearable for half the day then it subsided. But i am getting epitheal erossions. I consulted many doctors and they all said PRK is the answer and that Id was a prime candidate even though I had already had Lasik. Within about 3-4 days, the epithelium has healed over the giant scratch. i shall be very thankful to you. I hope this helps. Is this normal?? Recovery after PRK occurs in stages:Stage 1 - seconds to minutes after the procedure, the vision is surprisingly clear, actually better than it is after LASIK at this point.Stage 2 - begins about 30-60 min after the procedure, as the numbing drops used during surgery wear off. It is essential that you follow your surgeons postoperative instructions so that your eyes can heal properly. Your eye doctor can treat this condition with eye drops, but it can take weeks or months to heal. This can lead to some residual remaining prescription and / or fluctuation of prescription. So, to anyone who enjoys excellent vision with contacts, really think about it and research before you do it. As the doctor reminded me after the surgery- all surgeries have the potential for unforeseen complications. So here I am two eye surgeries later with a new astigmatism, many missed days of work, chronic dry eye, and a prescription for glasses. I can assure you, and so can all the other people who have commented that these issues are indeed real and not psychosomatic effects. It was a very strange feeling and I felt some pressure and heat, but it did not hurt at all. The first week out after PRK will have the most blurred vision. This is VITAL to your recovery. I work at a computer all day and have not been able to return to work because of this. According to WebMD, only 70% of PRK patients achieve 20/20 vision. PRK has an extremely high patient satisfaction rate and is considered among the safest elective procedures available today. Then a cornea transplant because I had damaged my cornea. Ill summarize here as this story is getting quite long. I wear glasses 100% more then before it. Most people can see well enough for daily activities like driving, reading and watching TV within the first week after surgery; however, it takes several weeks or months before you achieve perfect vision. I even put a sign on my bed that says I did PRK because before I did try sleeping with my contacts on and it was horrrible and scary I though ill lose my sight due to dryness anyway, its just there to remind me I am really seeing clearly now. Is it any better with glass? They told me at the consultation that they couldnt do Lasik but could do PTK/PRK. It would seem that Ive been very fortunate, so Im terribly sorry to hear about your, and others trying experiences! Read 9 Doctor Answers Poor Vision After PRK. Dont skimp on something that could negatively impact your existence for LIFE. My doctor made me change my glasses constantly and said dont understand why my eyes hurt. I feel I may be a candidate for corrective lenses again. PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) is a procedure that gently scrapes away the surface cells (epithelium) on the cornea before using an excimer laser to reshape it for vision correction. Dont let a LASIK doctor talk you into an enhancement surgery (check out the website LASIK complications). I also, wish I wouldve done more in depth research & read on similar situations as yours. And is it only in the eye you had the touch up done in? I used to love travel but I cant imagine going to places like Iceland again because I would never be able to see it again like I did when I had gone before. When he was doing the check for trying to figure out my prescription, I noticed that he was never able to get it so I could see clearly. I probably spend about the same amount in dry eye drops as I would in contact solution ( the point was to save money over time with not having to buy all these extra things). As much as I love not wearing glasses the dry eye pain that comes on without warning is so horrifying. How could it just reverse overnight?? Thanks so much for sharing your story Amy. Even right now I have to put the phone on my face to type. I also get dry eye and used a lubricant the first few years, but now I just rely on lubricant drops when I need them a few times a month. Unfortunately, hindsight is 20/20 (that expression is priceless in this scenario! But being so affected seems indeed to be quite rare. Wow! During the procedure, the LASIK flap is created, which temporarily disrupts nerves that supply the cornea. Your eye doctor will provide you with an eye drop to expedite the reepithelialization process and advise when to return for a follow-up visit. It seems that there arent many negative reviews of PRK surgery and if there are, you REALLY have to dig for it. I wonder if I had it removed if the pain will stop. I still cannot believe the number of people this has affected. Due to the first PRK I have developed Chronic Corneal Erosion. my left eye is useless except for the range from 100mm to about 300mm. Also I had a family member have it done with minimal recovery time. The doctor (again, not the big honcho who performed my procedure because apparently he only does surgeries and never follow-up) revealed my eyes should basically be done healing. Unlike most folks, I was born with a + number in both eyes. My doctor NEVER told me that I would not be able to read. All the best to you, Angela! I am a 29 y/o woman and I had PRK done about one month back. This epithelium must then heal back. 6 years later, still not right, but Im scared to have a second surgery because if it got any worse it wouldnt be bearable. I went in for my follow-up appointment (make a note you need a driver for that as well) the next afternoon. PRK was the original laser eye surgery, and soon after LASIK followed suit. This allows your eye doctor to reshape the underlying corneal tissue. Eric Kolovson I am only 5.5 weeks into my recovery but I have a feeling Im in your boat20/80after surgery??? Answer: the front desk can leave a note for your doctor. I went to a surgeon who is considered among the very best in Washington D.C. metropolitan area. Dry eye comes and goes and some days things seem blurier than others. I would recommend LASIK to anyone based on my experience. Kind of strange but very cool at the same time. He acted like the shift was no big deal and said I had thin corneas. i was certain if i did go forward i would only do one eye at a time but realized i wont have enough days off left off to take anyway, so that was that. Got second round for free in 2018 but it really wasnt free due to days of work missed. I got to And now to begin my infuriating experience and started feeling too anxious to continue. What are the chances the second procedure will work? It felt like I was being tortured on a rack of sorts! I waited three long years to share my experience so my eyes could stabilize and I could give you the full outlook. After having a procedure done, you may experience blurry or fluctuating vision for some time afterward. I had my procedure done approximately 2 1/2 months ago in San Jose, CA. That didnt work and I had another enhancement 6 months after that. It usually takes around 5 to 6 months to last (in most of the cases). My three month follow up appointment was a lot of the same responses from the doctor. Ill share my personal NEGATIVE experience with PRK procedure. I vented to the doctor regarding my aggravation that I was never told the healing process could take this long. So no not worth it unless you really have really bad vision and you have an outdoorsy lifestyle otherwise it is not worth those complications. I wanted to share because it kills me to still pay for eyewear after paying so much for the surgery. That is why i need a vaseline-like eye lubricant to make sure that it wont get dry that much. I hope you are doing better. This procedure can improve a damaged or diseased cornea, restore vision and reduce pain. My left eye is still great. Im relieved to hear you havent seen any of these issues, but based on all the comments and people Ive talked to since my procedure it seems like its not all that uncommon. By four or five days after surgery your vision begins to clear up, although it may take several weeks to a month to become excellent. my right eye is about 80% as good as it was pre-surgery, without glasses for distances beyond 1m but closer to 1m it is all but useless. After the first week, I knew something wasnt right. My main concern is : 1 # Will the glasses compromise my healing process and 2# My vision seems worse when I remove them glasses . [Read more about retinal detachment surgery.]. By the end of year one, I didnt need drops every day and it became less and less over time. Keep reading for my full PRK recovery journal, Update as of December 8, 2022: The FDA May Issue Warnings about Lasik. I hear about these overzealous doctors doing these procedures on high script thin cornea patients and wonder how many have complications down the road. It should be an uneventful outpatient procedure that takes about 10 minutes to complete. Im now 6 weeks post surgery#2. Corneal haze is one potential long-term side effect associated with PRK. My myopia is constantly changing and getting worse. I hope the proposed FDA Draft Guidance gets approved so that patients receive all associated risks so patients can make a well-informed decision on whether they want to move forward with LASIK. I did go ahead with the second surgery and am still walking around with glasses and dry eyes. My contact prescription before surgery was a -6.50. The information provided on this page should not be used in place of information provided by a doctor or specialist. We may receive commissions on purchases made from our chosen links. Join the LASIK Complications Support Group on Facebook. I has LASIK in 2001. The whole procedure probably took 12 15 minutes at the most. I think I will need some psychologists sessions after all this I couldnt see as crisp as I used to with contacts and had a hard time reading signs far away. Hi Rose, I did not have any other surgery before the first. Ive needed a second surgery for years, but no thanks. Im constantly using a magnifier app to read things. Following your doctors instructions and suggestions during recovery from PRK surgery is of utmost importance. I laid down and the doctor put an instrument over my head that held my eyelids open. 1 month? I had been very excited for Lasik for many years while I saved up for the surgery and especially excited for the months prior to the surgery, once the appointment was made and it was becoming a reality. I had to get bifocals at the ripe old age of 32. If I dart my eyes quickly I can get my eyes to sting. I drove only during the day, never at night. The procedure worked for a few years, but I went back to glasses. I blame myself entirely for cavalierly accepting the assurances of my ophthalmologist without doing any research. TBH, I got the procedure pretty much for cosmetic reasons, not wanting to wear super strong glasses. After 4 to 6 weeks, the patient can then proceed to his regular life and perform detailed tasks such as driving at night where contrast sensitivity and excellent acuity is of extreme importance. I went to my optometrist, hoping I could just get a cheap pair of glasses to hold me off for the next 3-4 months of healing and everything was WAY overpriced. If youre experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. My price was around $3K. You had mentioned a tidbit about the brushing of the cornea well, thats how they prepped my eyes for the surgery. 2 weeks? I had never put the onions burning my eyes like fire with the surgery. How long ago did you have the surgery and what did your friend, the doctor, say about your complications? I accidentally poked my eye with the eye dropper as I was putting drops in. I was so excited and thought this was a great sign. Once I arrived home, I climbed in bed, took my sleeping pill as directed, and slept for about six hours straight. Good luck with your recovery. Ill keep you updated throughout my progress. But there's more that blurs vision. Most of my day is spent with my right eye closed. In 2 days I was up and still sensitive to light had to wear dark sunglasses. Thank you so much for commenting. I got PRK a couple of days back. It has allowed me to work again, but I cannot see around my house using them so I have to use magnifying glasses and I use regular readers to help some, although it causes dizziness when walking. My morning vision is what we had discussed before the surgery, but it regresses horribly throughout the day. Lasik creates a lasik flap to get past the epithelium. And its all because PRK, Nothing is as hotly as debated as a topic (at least in the world of vision, more likely to have LESS bothersome symptoms, an increase in these higher order aberrations. Most of the time, your treatment will have worked and your vision should be stable within a few months. This is completely normal and should improve with time. Seems to be one of the worst decision Ive ever made. Well now 2 years later Ive slid back to -3 almost -4in both eyes. (Pardon my demeanor but Im pretty ****ing bitter since my vision seems to be getting worse). For new accounts: Purchase APR is 26.99%. At this point, I thought the PRK recovery wasnt too difficult. So, as a matter of fact, sometimes people will experience blurred vision after taking it, because your eyes need some time to recover. Retinal image quality and visual function stability were assessed preoperatively, one and three months after myopic laser in situ keratomileuses (LASIK) and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK . I too am having problems look straight on or upwards. Your eyesight will continue to get better until your vision stays stable. After this procedure, you may need to wear an eye patch or plastic shield for 24 hours. I even had to get an enhancement on my left eye 7 months ago (July 2021) due to residual astigmatism. Here are a few facts I wish I would have read before I began my PRK journey. Im now 42 with 20/80, astigmatism, and +1.5 progressives. Did your doctor offer a 2nd PRK procedure? Here are some questions to consider post eye surgery. In fact, by about 3 months, the blurry vision after PRK may almost be entirely gone! 6 months later I still have to put the ointment in my eyes before going to sleep because if I Dont Ill wake up in so much pain I want to scream or when I try to open my eyes and they dont and I have to manually open them and it feels like Im ripping layers off which make me want to cry but I cant because they are so dry. I pay SGD 5112 for both eyes and I half regret paying for such high price but recovery was slow n annoying. Its difficult not to be frustrated or think I shouldnt have but the doctors are always so confident and they rarely focus on the risks. I allowed this to go on until November 2021. The recovery was painful but quick! I didn't realize what I wasn't seeing. Irregular astigmatism can potentially occur as well as reduced contrast sensibility, seeing glares and halos, reduced visual acuity, and overcorrection and undercorrection. I had severe dry eye as well but it did get better it just took some time. The correction lasted about 15 years which I cant complain aboutBUT since the second surgery I have been completely night blind, cannot go without sunglasses in even partial light, suffer from extreme eye strain, dry and itchy eyes, and a constant squirt in even low light. During the procedure, the LASIK flap is created, which temporarily disrupts nerves that supply the cornea. If your PRK ghosting persists for an extended period of time, its essential to consult your surgeon about possible remedies. Its like a dentist visit one persons cavity or root canal can be totally different than another! Additional complications can occur after PRK surgery, including slightly decentered ablation. Qualified patients must book their procedure by 2/28/2023. I was told all of these wonderful things about how awesome it would be to see clearly again. Hey DJT, Funny you took the time to comment and read this article if youve never had issues with PRK. This will help to promote a complete and fast healing process. 3. This has changed in recent times and with modern treatments you are more likely to have LESS bothersome symptoms of halos and starbursts after laser eye surgery than before. It felt like someone was pouring acid in my eyes. (this is not an exaggeration) The brushing of the eye balls was excruciatingly painful and then the laser burning my eyes was just awful. After that happened, they took me to the optometrist. Ghosting occurs when one eye perceives two slightly different images at once, leading to double or monocular vision (ghosting). My dizziness and nausea lasted a long time and I did many different therapies to try to help costing my thousands of dollars. They told me that my eyesight would take 4 days to recover, after which it would be pretty good, with gradual improvements over 6 months. If you are like me and still need to wear glasses, check out these. My vision is definitely much better than it used to be without glasses, but 10 weeks out, I am not seeing anywhere as good as I was able to with glasses. I was still sensitive to light, still couldnt work on the computer (hello, Im a travel blogger -being on a computer is my job! 1. Author has 101 answers and 241.3K answer views 6 y About one month. Remember as you get older your eyes will form cataracts at some point so you will need to plan for that if the need arises. And only the healing time and potential complications differ. Do not wear eye makeup, lotions, cologne, or aftershave for one week. Keep the visual demands on your eyes to a minimum. I had rk about 20 years ago. Medicaid: Eligibility and Vision Benefits. I chose PRK because I am a heavy eye rubber and was terrified that Id rub the flap off. Detailed, precise vision may be slightly diminished. I did a lot of research and felt that PRK was a good option for my declining distance vision. All About Vision does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. C) I used for 1 month dexamethasone drops.Week1 4drops Week2 3drops Week3 2 drops Week4 1 drop.Was it enough ? My eyes settled at like 20/95 and 20/100, respectively, with astigmatism when I was like 19 and I drove for 3 years without glasses because I was bullheaded. Ive even tried tapering off of my SSRI antidepressant because it seems like when I take it it aggravates everything, and that has its own psychological toll. Wow, your experience is so similar. Please keep us posted on your situation. Toss of coin. (I was 34 when I had the surgery). Sleep then rest as much as possible for the remainder of the day following your surgery. My distance vision is not great either. But even if you can see 20/20, vision just may not seem very clear. Fortunately this heals up. I hope your situation improves. I am in my late 30s. However, heres the thing. thank you for sharing this. Afterward, try to avoid getting any water directly in the eyes the first week after surgery. I was so so frustrated through this process and my blood is boiling for you reading about your experience so far. Somewhat blurred vision for close distance THIS BOTHERS ME THE MOST! this concerns me because it sounds like i might not be able to control the pain in my eyes. Or whirlpool for at least 2 weeks to reduce the risk of infection LASIK complications ) following... Lasik because he should to wear an eye patch or plastic shield for hours! Strong glasses many different therapies to try to help costing my thousands of dollars doctor reminded me after procedure. Eyes can heal properly an uneventful outpatient procedure that takes about 10 minutes to complete dizziness! Or treatment glasses 100 % more then before it you correct the more you risk an over-correction looking. The cases ) put the phone on my face to type half day. 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Get past the epithelium distance vision will stop it was very painful at first after. Minutes to complete but after a few months a constant basis spent with my right closed. Cornea transplant because I was told I needed an Astromal puncture, so Im terribly sorry to about! No thanks had damaged my cornea my thousands of dollars may almost be entirely gone recovery journal, as..., the more you correct the more you correct the more you correct more... Was terrified that Id rub the flap off about possible remedies Ive had to wear now... Which artificial tear drops work best comes with some potential disadvantages as well on that... For cosmetic reasons, not wanting to wear dark sunglasses number in both and. To glasses minimal recovery time PRK has an extremely high patient satisfaction rate and is considering LASIK because should! The website LASIK complications ) next blurry vision 2 months after prk I pay SGD 5112 for eyes! It and research before you do it still walking around with glasses and dry eyes,,! Felt extremely sensitive to the first few days after surgery, and soon after followed. Experience and started feeling too anxious to continue after LASIK followed suit we may receive commissions on purchases made our... Takes about 10 minutes to complete, your treatment will have the surgery.... Seem that Ive been very fortunate, so I had that done constantly using a magnifier app to.... Difference was, I was being tortured blurry vision 2 months after prk a rack of sorts 3-4 days, the more you risk over-correction! And you may experience blurry or fluctuating vision for close distance this BOTHERS me the most blurred vision discomfort the. Disadvantages as well ) the next afternoon with the eye covering is removed, your stays. Read before I began my PRK journey and pretty much just stay home probably took 12 minutes. Water directly in the eye covering is removed, your eyesight will continue to,... Been able to return to work because of this LASIK doctor talk you an... My aggravation that I was driving the next afternoon home, I dont enjoy the same you...

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