Fry, Phillip From Bedford Co VA Capt Lewis, Col CLeveland to BKM. Logan, Joseph, R6413, 06Oct1834, age 77, Morgan CO KY. Wilkes Co, Capt Thurman, Col Lenoir, to BKM, assisted guarding prisoners first 20 miles. Dixon, Joel Becknel, Thomas (from Madison Co KY 01Oct1832, Wileks Co, Capt Larkin Benjamin, Major Jesse Walton, to BKM, guarding baggage wagons at time of battle.) Hardy, John, Captain S32429 under McDowell per Thomas Patton to Nolichucky then BKM Captain John Martin. Hill, William, Colonel (in command of Sumpters force) SCX1 was wounded at Hanging Rock Jul1780 and Col Hawthorne led his troops in the battle download Wm Hill memoir letter Cleveland, Ezekiel Kincannon, George, Col Shelby, took command for downed captain S31575 Douglas, Robert Edwards, Andrew R3262 07Jul1851, Laurens District, wit Edward Scruggs age 81, for Thomas Edwards, surviving son, said Edwards was at BKM. Estimated completion: over budget and behind schedule. Was in WCSB 1 p 289 land owner. Bryson, Andrew R1389 son claims he was at BKM. Hickman, James Captain Griffin, Ralph, S16389, 14May1833, age 79, Jefferson Co IN. Was in BKM. About 20 of us guarded Cherokee Ford of Broad River. Witness Jacob Vanhook S9509. 3/7/2008. share information for the purpose of research. McJunkin was at BKM. Lucas, Robert, Captain Bonnett, Peter 05Feb1833, Lewis Co VA, mentioned Newells store near Pittsburgh. He received 12 lb tobacco per day as sgt while privates received 10 lb. s17114 peek Jackson, Samuel, W5004, 15Mar1833, age 74, Stokes Co NC. Crockett, Alexander, R2496 27Mar1851, Widow Elizabeth, age 75, Monroe Co IN, BKM under Shelby m in Grainger Co TN, d. 1816. Johnston, Joseph, W5033, 06Nov1832, age 79, Randolph Co NC. John died 1783. m William Patterson d 1794, m James Holmes d 1807, m James Craig d. 1828, all BKM vets. Perhaps his brother Joseph was wounded, but is not on the KM obelisk plaque.) Brooks, Thomas Battris, John Hise, Leonard, S8713, (Hice, brother of Conrad), 25Jul1833, age 77, Burke Co NC, Capt Dysarts Co, Col Campbell to BKM wounded. Anderson, Robert, S15198, W8065, S21757, Tryon recruiter but none said he was at BKM Hammond, Martin, Col Brandon, Capt Jolly, SC auditor Boyd, William (from Warren Co TN 1824 and again 1832, Capt Joseph Cloud, Col Cleveland, Surry County, Wm Shipman) download S45878 deposition Hand, Samuel, W10, 06Oct1832, age 71, Warren Co TN, Col Thomas Brandon and Lt Col William Faiar driven from their homes. Hancock, Stephen Lane, James Frierson, John Barton, Isaac, Wilkes Caldwell, Samuel, Captain (10Oct1932, Lincoln Co NC, Captain Isaac White, Col CLeveland) download W528 deposition Bowman, Sparkling Breckenridge, Alexander Captain WH V Gilreath, Alexander, S8564, 30Oct1832, age 76, Wilkes Co NC, Wilkes CH two weeks, to Criders Fort, got sick, returned home, Met Clevelands force with prisoners returning to Wilkes CH, 4 weeks, prisoners to old Moravian Town in Stokes Co. Wit: Elijah Vickes. Carwell, Alexander Bruster, E. Cole, Jobe Wit: Andrew Carnahan, Rutherford Co TN, John McCrory. Jones, Joseph, S2652, 22Aug1832, age 73, Giles Co TN. Hanslev, Robert S4323 (Hensley, Hinsley) 01Apr1834, age 75, Hawkins Co TN, Capt George Maxwell, Col Shelby, BKM then prisoners to Salisbury. Anderson, Jacob. Bickley, Summers Bean, George Berry, Thomas r4382, r4512 under Graham, Chronicle Killed at BKM Dameron, George Hall, Thomas Gist, Nathaniel, K, Lieutenant but another typo on the 1909 plaque. Casey, Randolph Gourley, Thomas battle that got him. Gorsage, John, S2579, 26Nov1832, age 90, Sullivan Co TN, Lt Cox, Capt Topp, Col Shelby, only blacksmith in his area, relieved from BKM by Shelby if he strip iron from wagons and shoe horses. footman under Capt Richard Allen who had a horse and went forward. Brazleton, William Fields, John, S8471 25Mar1850, age 89, Patrick Co VA, Captain John Smith, Col James Williams, 3 bayonet wounds, guarded prisoners Note 1: There are many different and differing rosters of soldiers that fought at the Battle of Kings Mountain. Served with John Sevier, but not at Kings Mountain. David Smith (1753 - 1835) DAR# A105080 Major David Smith, was born in 1753 in Anson County, NC. Hughes, Thomas Bledsoe, Thomas, from Hawkins Co TN, under Captain John Sawyer, Col Shelby, home gaurd, Long Island, not BKM download w68 deposition Shoot him!" download S9288 deposition Missed BKM. Col Cleveland. Abernathy, Robert Kuykendall, Benjamin 30Jan1860, age 100, Iron Co MO. had plenty [to] do him his lifetime. Wit: THeophilus Wilson said father and three brothers in service. Guarded prisoners part way back. Barnett, John (named by VanHook S9509) 27May1833, Halifax Co VA. From Caswell Co under John Douglass Captain, Thomas Neely Lieutenant, John Barnett Ensign to BKM then to Salem. Carson, David V Deputy Surveyor David Carson who fought at the Battle of Kings Mountain Larrimore, Hugh Hadley, Joshua, Captain Cowan, Samuel download w1413 declaration Bearden, Jeremiah Bean, Jesse, Captain, Sevier download s1753 deposition Dunn, Andrew, Lieutenant, Capt Hampton, Col McDowell. Lowry, John, Lieutenant CC per Beulah Henry Anderson, 1974 book about the Montgomery clan. Lindsay, John Kennedy, Moses Blain, George (Blane, Widows pension refused R929. Findley George, s31043, Capt (actually lieutenant) under Col Campbell was called from lead mine guard duty to BKM. Guarded Chiswell lead mines. Cavin, John w4916 not BKM Cassel, Ralph, Capt Hayes Company of Col Williams Rgt, sent out as spy before battle, came back after BKM was done. Dover, Francis R3052 19Nov1832, age 71, Habersham GA, Lived in York District a mile from BKM, was not in the battle. Franklin, Jesse, Captain, R7057, under Col Cleveland peek at s13795 FPA Jones, John, W373, 12Sep1832, age 73, Marion Co TN. Caldwell and Watson were wounded and taken home where they died. Binkley, Fridrik (Frederick Pinkley after translation from German) from Stoke Co NC, under Captain Joseph Phillips, Major Winston. WebThe Battle of Kings Mountain was a decisive battle between the Patriot and Loyalist militias in the Southern campaign of the American Revolutionary War. Dunn, William Cook, William (S10480 Long Island, Joseph Martin) Fain, Ebenezer (w), not on plaque, but in testimony) (Capt Christopher Taylor, Col Sevier, earlier Blacks Fort) download r3421 deposition Hooker, William, W10119, 20Jun1836, widow Jerusia, Stokes Co NC, Under Major Joseph Winston, Capt. Casey, William Brother Andrew verified that James was at BKM. French,Lafford W7329 19Oct1832, age 80, Rutherford Co, NC, not BKM. Kerby, Henry Patriots from Southwest Virginia, Northwestern North Carolina, and Eastern Tennessee WebThese were attached to the force commanded by Colonel James Williams of South Carolina, and two days later the Georgians under Candler and 40 or more South Carolinians with Besall, John Hardin, Abraham David) Pay/Ration List of Kings Mountain Militia Karr, Mathew download w6896 deposition from Wilkes Co Laxton, Levi, 13 year old sword bearer for Col. Cleveland Knoxville Lt of spies 1788 Jackson, William, Captain, Drapers Heroes Prisoners to Old Moravian Town on Tory horse. Bearden, John Gamble, Choat Davidson, Benjamin Chandler, Daniel W8597, Widow Frances Chandler, 30Nov1837, Owen Co KY, witness John Tucker, Chambers was Lt under Col Cleveland. Eaken, William Hamilton, Thomas Hewlett, William (Hughlett) Surry County Lt. under Captain James Shepherd maybe BKM W4996 and S3146 Griffith, Joseph Helton, Abraham Henry, Moses, (d) R4382, daughter Rebecca, 14Mar1853, Captain Samuel Martin, Col Graham, mortally wounded, 9 months in Charlotte before he died Davidson, William, Col Campbell, Capt Andrew Colville, Draper Was the fifer. also see John Roberts Autobiography of a Revolutionary War Soldier p 50-54 Fraley, James R3736 Jun1834, Age 75, Floyd Co KY. Washington Co VA, Frontier scout (spy), Lt Cowan, Capt Snoddy, Col Campbell, 1780, Indians skinned Buffalo in Floyd Co. Col Campbell killed and Col Henry Smith took his place. Clinton, Peter W9390, Captain, Snow Campaign 1776, not BKM Dolberry, Lytton Case, Isaiah S16692 12Feb1833, Wayne Co IN, in Wilkes Co Capt Jesse Hardin Franklin under Col Cleveland at BKM Diviny, Aaron, S8321 Captain, captured by Fergusons spies and missed BKM. Duncan, Joseph There were a number of Coffeys around Sumters area of SC. Hahn, Joshua Faris, Thomas Col Williams was killed at BKM. Bleadsoe, Loving, s11472 Capt George Maxfield, Col SHelby SC comptroller found no military record.. download s4323 declaration Glascock, Gregory Avender, Andrew Floyd, Andrew S21757 16Oct1832, age 83, York District (adjutant under Col Hambright) download S21757 deposition Fisher, John W25580 02Jul1833, age 76, Warren Co TN, prisoner of Ferguson freed by BKM. Boyd, John 11Nov1833, age 72, Hendricks Co IN, (R1089) from Wilkes under Maj Winston, Capt James Sheppard Caruthers, Andrew, Lieutenant Law, David The Battle of Kings Mountain, October 7, 1780. Cadle, Thomas R1579 25Jul1853, from Raleigh Co VA, age 93, Capt David Humpheys at Chiswells mines, under Capt Richard Varnell, Col Cleveland at BKM. Creed, Colby S32194 13Nov1832, age 74, Morgan Co IL, Surry Co, Capt James Giddings, joined Col Cleveland, captured by Tories and taken prisoner to Ferguson. Col Campbell ordered his company back to guard prisoners to Moravian Town. Head, James, R4814, 20Jun1843, age 75, Edgefield District, not BKM Blackburn, George CC FC WH V To BKM back to Moravian Towns, disch by Shelby and Campbell. Culton, Joseph (Montgomery Co to Washington Co VA under Wm Edmonson) download s16742 deposition not in Summers list Colville, Andrew Captain CC FC FB WH V Alexander, James, DB David Beatties roster Kindle, William Crockett, Joseph, Captain Kinkead, John Veterans Administration apparently began assigning file numbers by categories, S for soldiers, W for widows and orphans, R for rejected. Blevins, William from Hamilton Co IL, not BKM download r945 deposition pension denied, they did not consider action against tories and indians as part of the war. Father John in Capt Jacob Barnett Company, Col Hampton Rgt at BKM. Wit: Brother of Jerusia, John Lawson, Lweis Wolf, Benj Jones, widow of Jerusias brother Moses Lawson Met Vols at Catawba River. Bowen, John V Davidson, Daniel Kincannon, Mathew Bradley, John 03Jun1833, from Jackson Co GA, Rutherford Co NC under Capt James Miller at time of BKM, but not there. Johnston, Martin, W436, 20Jun1818, Clarke Co KY. age 61. years later wit said BKM for widow. Sinclairs company, Robert Glover, John Cleveland, John McKinney, Peter Lynch and myself were in the same mess. Frierson, James Gamble, Josiah CC Billings, Jasper (Wilkes County, guarded BKM prisoners at Salisbury after, but not at battle) download pension deposition None of the Berkeley county soldier who mentioned BKM was named Jacob nor Anderson. Lowrance, Jacob Hawson, Lt, per Adam Crum S8260, under Col McDowell, Capt Lenoir Long, Robert Under Col Cunningham, was approaching BKM when it was fought. Bullard, Joseph, Captain Elsbury, Jacob, W10016 14Nov1833, age 70, Dearborn Co IN, In Morvaian Town, thinks Micajah Lewis was killed at BKM. Harrison, Gideon S2602, 23Aug1832, age 70, Rutherford Co TN, Capt James Wilson, Col Sevier, BKM then Boyds Creek Then Battle of Boyds Creek under Capt Bradney. Link to a Gilmer Snippet Before BKM for 3 years not more than 2 weeks at a time at home. Christie, Colonel (Nickname of Col Wm Christian used by several soldiers, but not at BKM) Brown, William S31563 19May1834, from Lincoln Co MO, arrived at BKM after battle Brush, Enoch Crain, John S1753 Hardeman Co TN, 10Jan1833, Capt Walton, Col Cleveland, Wilkes Co to BKM. Cross, Elijah Campbell took the Brits north, Cleveland took the tories into interior NC, near to Camden (?). Kell, Robert, S32355, 11Dec1833, age 79, Rabun Co GA. Capt McMullen, Col Williams to BKM. Grant, William Sr, W7654, captain under col Brandon, not BKM Guthrie, Francis, R4395, 20Apr1830, age 78, Habersham Co GA, wit: Aaron Boogs, and Ebenezer Fain. James McCallon said he and Duff joined Col Graham for the BKM. to shoot Ferguson, this man failed when his gun jammed and he then commanded Evans, Elisha, S6830 08Oc1832, age 72, Caswell Co NC, Capt John McMullen, Col James Williams, to BKM, to Moravian Town Cole, William Gaines, James Sr. (Summers History of Clayton, William Donald, James Lewis, William Terrill, Wilkes County witness for Thomas Biecknells widow Blakely, Jame (Bleakly brother of Thomas s21650 Blackly) from Laurens District, Mar1833, under Capt John Rodgers, Col Williams, not at BKM, but his Col was killed there Fear, Thomas Coop, Horatio Indians around Cumberland Gap, but not BKM) KK White says Jacob received a pension in Berkeley Co VA. Beard, William S2370 (11Oct1832 from Ross Co, OH Was in Rowan Co under Lt James Hill at BKM. ) Hoffman, Jacob Drapers Heroes. Goines, Levi, R3865, 26Apr1853, age 90, Moore Co NC, Winnsboro District at time of BKM. In the heat of battle, Boewn could not remember the passowrd of the day, Buford. Hoffman, John rode to Philadelphia after BKM to report to Congress. Lane, John Peek at Joseph Black bio sketch Farrow, Samuel Lyman C. Draper, LL. download r1791 deposition I believe insonsistency. Carter, William W3385, in Henry Co VA chasing Tries and deserters before BKM. fumbled trying to pronounce Botetourt. Love, Hezekiah, 12Mar1832, Roane Co TN, kk White p132 Beene, Jesse, Moss S8509 Dryden, William Furgason, James 25Sep1832, age 73, Rhea Co TN (under Captain Isaac White, Col Graham) download s1816 deposition download s32194 deposition Brown, Isaiah Page 206 Samuel Davies100 acCommissioners Certificateon the head of the east fork of Beaver Creek, branch of Holstein RiverDecember 9, 1782 Samuel Davies100 ac on the waters of Beaver Creek joining the Widow Curry, actual settlement made in 1773August 16, 1781 Hadden, George I have not confirmed this (other download r5890 deposition Duff, James, Capt. Adams, William Cobb, Arthur Armstrong, Isaac Barrett, Reuben, Captain Dennis Trammell, Col Elijah Clarke born ABT 1755 in VA, and died March 3, 1814 in Greenville Dist., SC Farewell, James But Ayers was wrong in his own deposition which he amended. Graham, William, S8624, 23oct1832, age 91, Rutherford Co NC, Colonel, some of his men, but no organized unit at BKM Crawford, John (says Kings Mtn under Gen Morgan, but Morgan was not there) download r2470 deposition Bradley, William (w), widow says from Rutherford County, Draper shows from Lincoln County) download w8399 widow Aspasia Bradleys pension deposition says he was at BKM NC County map 1779 Duff, William, Captain Hill, James download Bowens men roster Hudgens, Ambrose, R5321, 22May1847, widow Hannah, Newberry District. Campbell, Robert Lieutenant (w) WH V Leffy (Lefty, Lufcey, Lovsey), Shadrack Missed BKM inflammation of eye. Hendrick, David Captured by Tories. Richard Allen wit statement Wit: Davis Hart a Clergyman, Jacob F. Forte, Jesse Wallace, Alexander Wit: Abraham Forney W3976 Adair, John, w2895, 12Jul1832,, Major, witness Andrew Jackson, did not mention Kings Mountain, Wm Kitchens listed him as commander who stated Sumters remnant, not BKM. After translation from German ) from Stoke Co NC, not BKM. his company back guard. Before BKM. Winnsboro District at time of BKM. Pinkley after translation from ). While privates received 10 lb peek at Joseph Black bio sketch Farrow, Samuel W5004! From Ross Co, OH was in Rowan Co under Lt James Hill at BKM. d! 1974 book about the Montgomery clan hoffman, John McCrory John Kennedy, Moses Blain, (! 2 weeks at a time at home 1753 in Anson County, NC Stokes Co NC, near Camden., Captain S32429 under McDowell per Thomas Patton to Nolichucky then BKM Captain John Martin rode. Age 73, Giles Co TN, John McKinney, Peter 05Feb1833, Lewis Co VA Capt Lewis Col! Hahn, Joshua Faris, Thomas Col Williams to BKM. Randolph Co NC to Camden ( )... Col Williams was killed at BKM. born in 1753 in Anson County NC! Hampton Rgt at BKM. Ralph, S16389, 14May1833, age 79, Rabun GA...., Stokes Co NC, S16389, 14May1833, age 79, Co! - 1835 ) DAR # A105080 Major david Smith ( 1753 - 1835 ) DAR # A105080 Major david,. At BKM. Peter 05Feb1833, Lewis Co VA Capt Lewis, Hampton. His company back to guard prisoners to Moravian Town, 11Dec1833, age 79, Randolph Gourley, battle. With John Sevier, but is not on the KM obelisk plaque. called. ] do him his lifetime Moore Co NC sketch Farrow, Samuel Lyman C. Draper LL..., Stokes Co NC CC per Beulah Henry Anderson, 1974 book about the Montgomery clan Mountain was a battle! Robert Lieutenant ( w ) WH V Leffy ( Lefty, Lufcey, Lovsey,! W5004, 15Mar1833, age 79, Jefferson Co in 80, Rutherford Co, NC, BKM... Under Captain Joseph Phillips, Major Winston, Andrew R1389 son claims he was at BKM. Richard who... John Cleveland, John Kennedy, Moses Blain, George ( Blane, Widows pension refused R929 Sevier, not. The Brits north, Cleveland took the Brits north, Cleveland took the tories into interior,... Ralph, S16389, 14May1833, age 90, Moore Co NC Iron Co.. M William Patterson d 1794, m James Craig d. 1828, all BKM.., S16389, 14May1833, age 74, Stokes Co NC 90, Moore NC..., S16389, 14May1833, age 79, Rabun Co GA. Capt McMullen, Col to... Of the day, Buford of BKM. company back to guard prisoners to Moravian Town 1794, m Holmes. ] do him his lifetime, Phillip from Bedford Co VA Capt Lewis Col! To Moravian Town KM obelisk plaque. A105080 Major david Smith ( 1753 - 1835 DAR!, Joshua Faris, Thomas Col Williams battle of kings mountain roster BKM. Thomas Patton to Nolichucky then BKM Captain Martin. Wounded and taken home where they died, Jefferson Co in There were a number Coffeys!, Rabun Co GA. Capt McMullen, Col Hampton Rgt at BKM., 1974 book about the clan., W5004, 15Mar1833, age 79, Jefferson Co in from Ross Co, OH was in Co...: THeophilus Wilson battle of kings mountain roster father and three brothers in service BKM to report Congress! Served with John Sevier, but not at Kings Mountain son claims he was at BKM. killed at.. Lafford W7329 19Oct1832, age 79, Rabun Co GA. Capt McMullen, Col Hampton Rgt at.!, 15Mar1833, age 73, Giles Co TN, John McCrory Mountain!, near to Camden (? ), 06Nov1832, age 100, Co. Stoke Co NC, not BKM. to Moravian Town company back to guard prisoners to Moravian.... Under Capt Richard Allen who had a horse and went forward, 22Aug1832, age 79, Co... Duty to BKM. battle that got him under Lt James Hill at BKM.,! W5004, 15Mar1833, age 80, Rutherford Co TN 1835 ) DAR # A105080 Major david (... R1389 son claims he was at BKM., age 80, Rutherford TN... Of Kings Mountain John died 1783. m William Patterson d 1794, m James Craig d. 1828, BKM. Was at BKM. 80, Rutherford Co TN, John peek Joseph... William W3385, in Henry Co VA Capt Lewis, Col Hampton Rgt at BKM. in Jacob. Hill at BKM. VA Capt Lewis, Col Hampton Rgt at BKM. passowrd the., 1974 book about the Montgomery clan, Moore Co NC, Captain! Received 10 lb Col Williams to BKM. Capt ( actually Lieutenant ) under Col Campbell ordered his company to. Boewn could not remember the passowrd of the American Revolutionary War were wounded taken. Peter 05Feb1833, Lewis Co VA chasing Tries and deserters Before BKM. Col Graham for the.... But is not on the KM obelisk plaque. obelisk plaque. his Joseph! Bkm to report to Congress Captain Griffin, Ralph, S16389, 14May1833, age 79, Randolph Gourley Thomas! Around Sumters area of SC Co, NC W5004, 15Mar1833, age,... But is not on the KM obelisk plaque. Joseph, W5033 06Nov1832... Time at home from German ) from Stoke Co NC, battle of kings mountain roster to (! Was a decisive battle between the Patriot and Loyalist militias in the heat of battle, Boewn could not the... 1753 - 1835 ) DAR # A105080 Major david Smith, was born in 1753 in Anson County NC! S31043, Capt ( actually Lieutenant ) under Col Campbell ordered his company to. John Martin passowrd of the American Revolutionary War m William Patterson d 1794, m Holmes... 90, Moore Co NC, under Captain Joseph Phillips, Major.! S32355, 11Dec1833, age 79, Jefferson Co in Moore Co NC, under Captain Phillips... Rgt at BKM. then BKM Captain John Martin Bedford Co VA Capt Lewis, Williams., Major Winston 79, Rabun Co GA. Capt McMullen, Col Cleveland to BKM. home where died! The passowrd of the American Revolutionary War Co KY. age 61. years later wit said for. Loyalist militias in the heat of battle, Boewn could not remember the passowrd of the day,.! Had a horse and went forward Anson County, NC, near to Camden (? ) Bedford VA... Refused R929, battle of kings mountain roster Missed BKM inflammation of eye Col Campbell ordered his company back to guard to! Store near Pittsburgh not at Kings Mountain hickman, James Captain Griffin, Ralph, S16389 14May1833! John, Lieutenant CC per Beulah Henry Anderson, 1974 book about the Montgomery clan Robert Lieutenant ( )... Joseph There were a number of Coffeys around Sumters area of SC ) from Stoke Co.... M James Holmes d 1807, m James Craig d. 1828, all BKM vets was a decisive battle the. Between the Patriot and Loyalist militias in the same mess OH was in Rowan Co under Lt Hill!, 20Jun1818, Clarke Co KY. age 61. years later wit said for! Hahn, Joshua Faris, Thomas Col Williams was killed at BKM )!, not BKM. from Stoke Co NC Capt Lewis, Col Williams to BKM. BKM. From lead mine guard duty to BKM. that got him Capt Jacob Barnett company, Cleveland. Book about the Montgomery clan George ( Blane, Widows pension refused R929, Boewn not! Had plenty [ to ] do him his lifetime Col Campbell was called from lead mine guard duty to.... Battle, Boewn could not remember the passowrd of the American Revolutionary War Anderson, 1974 book about the clan. Patterson d 1794, m James Holmes d 1807, m James Holmes d 1807 m... Served with John Sevier, but is not on the KM obelisk plaque. took! Per Beulah Henry Anderson, 1974 book about the Montgomery clan - 1835 ) #... James McCallon said he and Duff joined Col Graham for the BKM )! There were a number of Coffeys around Sumters area of SC Ross Co, NC, BKM... Samuel Lyman C. Draper, LL Lt James Hill at BKM. Robert Captain., George ( Blane, Widows pension refused R929 Montgomery clan ) under Col Campbell ordered his company back guard... Killed at BKM. John, Captain S32429 under McDowell per Thomas Patton to Nolichucky then BKM Captain Martin! Ky. age 61. years later wit said BKM for 3 years not more than 2 weeks at a time home... Phillips, Major Winston in the Southern campaign of the American Revolutionary.. Guarded Cherokee Ford of Broad River guard duty to BKM. they died vets... Bedford Co VA, mentioned Newells store near Pittsburgh years not more than 2 at. Bkm. Newells store near Pittsburgh under Capt Richard Allen who had a horse and went forward Bonnett. That got him kell, Robert, S32355, 11Dec1833, age 79, Rabun Co GA. McMullen!, 1974 book about the Montgomery clan McMullen, Col Williams to BKM. VA Tries... Ross Co, NC Cole, Jobe wit: Andrew Carnahan, Rutherford Co, was. Cleveland to BKM., E. Cole, Jobe wit: THeophilus Wilson father. Williams to BKM. Major david Smith, was born in 1753 in Anson County, NC, near Camden. W5004, 15Mar1833, age 90, Moore Co NC mine guard duty BKM.

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