is delores miller clark still alive

Executives at All Packaging said they had a reference on Mr. Clark from Roberto Distributing. At this point, five years after the murders, Mr. Clark took the step of seeking full-time employment in his own field. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. But the trail turned cold at Kennedy International Airport, where his car had been abandoned. He was arrested 11 days later, and, after a jury rejected his diminished capacity defense, convicted and sentenced. Dr. Steven Simring, a psychiatrist who examined List after his arrest years later, told Downtown his "sense of neatness" was the result of a compulsive personality. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. By the late 1950s, the family was in a good financial situation as John had been promoted to the position of a general supervisor in the company. He spent his days at the train ( I think he did remarry while on the run)? ''I dismissed it because I felt it was not true,'' she said. In 1975, Clark joined St. Pauls Lutheran Church in downtown Denver. In late 1987 Mr. Clark responded to an advertisment placed in a local newspaper by a Virginia empoyment agency. Maybe not. "It's just like D-Day, you go in, there's no stopping after you start," he said. ''I was afraid, just in case he was the same man,'' she said. John and I were classmates and were on the same baseball team. Mr. Clark spent long days in his own small office, unadorned by decorations or memorabilia, but with classical music playing softly on a radio. Wetmore said Clark then lived in a ramshackle trailer park on the outskirts of Golden. The article had a sketch of how List might look now, and it was a dead ringer for Bob. ''I let it go.''. He was cold as ice and had no real love for any of them. You can perhaps understand why, for him, the wife and mother were killed but the children? It was so methodical, so cold-blooded, Moran said. WebFrom 1979 to 1986, he was the comptroller at a paper box manufacturer outside Denver. Her illness left astronomical medical bills, he'd tell me. Not sure what youre saying here. Lack of faith. WebDelores Hall - Biography. I dont buy the pious excuses in Lists confession letter at face value. If he wanted out, why did not he disappear without murdering them. LOL. A couple of sourcesclaim that the ornate housecontainedaskylight made ofLouis Comfort Tiffany stained glass valuable enough to bail List out of his financial problems. Delores attended Washington Park High School. So he simply erased his total history to date and started somewhat successfully again. The Richmond friend said that Mr. Clark told him he had an undergraduate degree in accounting and a master's degree in finance, both from Michigan, and that he was a Certified Public Accountant. This is little numerical difference even if reflecting a gulf in political difference. In my 75 years of life, every overly religious person I have met, with a few exceptions, eventually show that they betray those around them in some form. Soon after his high school graduation, he joined the United States Army during the Second World War, where he worked as a laboratory technician. Prosaic Life of Suspect in '71 New Jersey Murders, List later worked in Rochester, N.Y., and Jersey City, N.J., before taking his family to Westfield in 1955. But ''around 1973'' he was working as a night cook at the Holiday Inn West in Golden, Colo., west of Denver, said Bob Wetmore, one of the few friends Mr. Clark would make in the next few years. Two neighbors, Joseph and Jacqueline Stefano, told reporters that Mr. Clark had a particular interest in World War II and Hitler. Little is known of Peggy, who stopped talking to her father in 1975 and hasnt spoken out about him since. He lined the bodies up on the floor, put music on through the houses intercom system and wrote a confession to his pastor. Four months later, his wife joined him in Midlothian, a suburb southwest of Richmond. List then went upstairs and killed his 84-year-old mother Alma. The balding bookkeeper, arrested by FBI agents on June 1, claims to be Robert P. Clark, a former resident of Denver who moved to the Richmond area 18 months ago. Several weeks later, in his rambling 19-room Victorian mansion in Westfield, N.J., the police found the bodies of his mother, his wife and his three children. He was born as the only child in the highly religious German-American household. He wrote of being under a lot of pressure, but I cant reveal anything else, Moran said. ''I had had a cataract operation, and the doctor told me not to do any heavy work for a while. The pastor, the Rev. There are no complaints in his file, no notices, no record of repairs, no nothing.. Attorney David Baugh, who represented List in Virginia, offers support.AP Photo/Steve Helber. '', Although he hesitated before placing Mr. Clark in the Roberto job, ''I couldn't come up with a reason to say no,'' Mr. Oldson said. "I grew up with the idea that you should provide for your family and to do that you had to be a success in the job that you had or you're a failure, and that was not a good thing to be," he said. Mr. Wetmore helped Mr. Clark move ''one pickup truck's worth load of stuff'' to Denver. ''The sign says, '35 miles an hour,' his foot comes off the pedal,'' the friend added. Another great post and one of my all time favourite murder stories. I said, Thats Bob, Flanery recalled. He was apprehended 18 years later in 1989 and was sentenced to five terms He was sentenced to five consecutive life prison terms. He was stationed at Ft. Eustace, Va., when he met the woman who would become his wife. He was arrested in 1989 after a former neighbor recognized him from a profile on the syndicated TV show America's Most Wanted. However, he was a loner who was not socially active and had very few friends in school and his locality. He then called his childrens school to grant them leave to visit their grandmother in South Carolina. ''I don't know John List. John List was born John Emil List, on September 17, 1925, in Bay City, Michigan, to John Frederick List and Alma Barbara Florence List. Asked to check Mr. Clark's resume in their files, the executives found that it was gone. John List was on the run when they met in 1985 after having murdered his family members about 14 years before. She turned pale and kept looking at it, saying, Oh, my! To the left are cowbells on a leather strap hung from a nail. But their love story came to an end within 14 months. Why are we still having these debates? This disambiguation page lists articles about people with the same name. ''There were just some certificates hanging on the wall from a staff accountant we used to have, but who is now deceased,'' Mr. Joyner said. Ted Oldson, an executive with the accounting firm of Brown, Whitley & Todd, interviewed him for a client, Roberto Distributing, a carpet wholesaler in Denver. who writes: In 1895, he bought twenty-two acres of land a few miles northeast, and built a grand Victorian house atop a gentle knoll .. Wittke called his estate Breeze Knoll. Lists logic in killing his entire family to ensure they went to heaven is undeniable if youre a psychopathic lunatic. I was in despair, List says. Superior Court Judge William LE. The accounts of Mr. Clark's life as a fugitive - that for instance at a job in Denver he would take his lunch hour alone in his car listening to classical music -describe someone whose mien and manner hardly suggest a capacity for savagery. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. Yes, and the problem is that some facts are inconvenient to some people, or they infer from the citing of fact that ones making a swipe (and in this case, if the latter, it was a pretty mild one!) Info about the house is hard to come by. In a statement, she said: ''I hope this is not true, and if it is, that he was so stressed out that something snapped. He worried that she and the rest of the family wouldnt get into heaven. He joined a local Lutheran church and, in 1985, married a widow named Delores Clark, with whom he moved to Richmond, Va. She had married in her 30s, and John was her only child. Colorado resident Wanda Flanery contactedpolice about a former neighbor named BobClark who had recently moved away to Richmond, Virginia. Doubts From a Friend. If things had gone on who knows if that would be the case," he wrote. Instead she showed the newspaper to Mrs. Clark. He went on to wed again, join a new family and live in peace and anonymity for nearly two decades. It may be more than coincidence that Miller is the former name of Mr. Clark's wife, Delores, and R. C. are Mr. Clark's initials. I have to say though the wife had it coming for duping him and belittling him throughout the marriage. Over the years, the John List murders have been featured in films such as Judgment Day: The John List Story and The Stepfather. His sixteen years old daughter and 13 years old son returned from the school at noon. The years at All Packaging appear to have been tranquil. The resume Mr. Clark used to find a job in Richmond begins in 1972. Indeed, Trumps rescinding the moratorium on federal execution is an example (and some need informing that he didnt impose death a judge and jury did but merely removed the block to its enaction.). It rippled through the county and state: John List, the man who had meticulously murdered his mother, wife and three kids in their Westfield mansion and disappeared without a trace, was in custody. Mr. Joyner relied on the employment agency to verify Mr. Clark's resume. ''Delores said it wasn't Bob,'' Mrs. Flanery recalled. Mrs. Flanery was among the millions of people watching. List would also be 63 years old now. Delores Clark, right, tells reporters at a press conference on June 8, 1989 that she did not believe her husband was John List. The man called at the insistence of his mother-in-law, who was a friend of Mr. Clark's wife, Delores, and had kept in touch with the Clarks after their move to Virginia. Bob didnt talk much about his past, Wetmore said. David glad to hear from you! John List met Helen Morris Taylor, a young widow of an American enlisted man who had died in the Korean War. On Oct. 4, 1979, Mr. Clark was hired as the comptroller of the All Packaging Company in Aurora, a suburb southeast of Denver, at a starting salary of $300 a week. Clark held several cooking jobs in the early 70s and moved frequently, Wetmore said. Bob West, said Clark became a pillar of the church during the 11 years he attended, and even served on the board. certificate. Johnand Helen List, both 46, lived with their three teenage children and Johns mother, Alma, in acavernous home in the affluentUnion County town. Mr. List, who says he remains deeply religious today, acknowledges that his crimes violated one of the Ten Commandments: "Thou shalt not kill.". The neighbours called the police when Johns daughter Patricias dancing teacher came home to see why Patricia was not coming to the classes. John had first moved to Michigan, and then to Colorado, where he took an accounting job in Denver. Any murderer is a hero to people like the writer of this post. I dont think you can generalise that extremely religious people generally betray family/friends/colleagues by any means, but of their nature they may make many feel uncomfortable. Where was John from? Police didnt discover the bodies until several weeks later. WebHe began living with a new identity in Virginia, where he was spotted by a local and got arrested. They say he spent much of his leisure time in church-related activities. The rationalization for killing them was his way of eliminating an inconvenience and his own stress. ''The tax season was coming up, and we needed somebody,'' Mr. Joyner said. He was actually employed at the time of the murders, at State Mutual Life, and could have found other work. The morning of November 7, 1971 began in a usual fashion. Bob didnt have a car at the time so I helped him move out of the trailer park into an apartment a few blocks east of the motel, he said. Authorities said that he had been living a quiet life--active in his church, puttering in his yard on weekends--and that he had no problems with the law while a In the afternoon, he killed his children as they came home first his daughter Patty, a budding actress at 16; then his youngest, 13-year-old Frederic; and finally 15-year-old John, his namesake and his favorite. That, though, cant be claimed to be a bad thing in itself. Education. Of course, facts can be used selectively. By 1971, he was still leaving for work every morning, but unknown to his family he was unemployed and unable to pay the bills. All had been shot in the head. According to Mortgage Bankers Associationdatacited by the FDIC, lenders foreclose on one in every 200 U.S. homes and one child in every classroom belongs to a family in jeopardy of losing a home because of difficulty meeting mortgage payments. He took the name Robert Clark, eventually got an accounting job, and remarried. Flipping through his tenant file, she said: Ive never seen anything like this in all the years Ive been here. Mrs. Clark also has relatives nearby, in Maryland. He was vice president and comptroller of a nearby bank, and his family lived in an 18-room mansion with marble fireplaces and an elegant ballroom. "I approached all of them from behind so they wouldn't realize till the last minute what I was going to do to them," he said. Id argue that religious zealotry was the EFFECT of a prior cause: mental illness. Jim Clark Bro. By 1971, List seemed poised for a total financial collapse and didnt want his wife and kids to bear the shame of going on public assistance. But back in Denver, his former neighbors did recognize him, and called police. He defended himself saying that he was not mentally stable. Even now a chill runs through James Moran, Westfields retired police chief, when he recalls the scene in the sparsely furnished, 18-room mansion List had bought for $50,000 in 1966, using money from an inheritance. ''I spent a lot of my life on skid row and in cow camps,'' Mr. Wetmore, 71 years old, said in an interview this week. I took the paper next door and showed it to Delores. Mrs. Clark's job at a warehouse at the Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center did not pay enough to support the two of them, and they began to fall behind on their mortgage payments. I think you mean religious extremists. Little of this past did List, as Clark, ever reveal. Delores Clark, right, tells reporters at a press conference on June 8, 1989 that she did not believe her husband was John List. And he yelled, 'Put that thing down before your eyeball falls out.' Divorce would have meant paying child support for three and possibly alimony. He then shot both his wife and mother in their heads. He was a man who would never, ever stand out in a crowd, said Carole Burton, manager of the east Denver apartment complex where Clark lived from September, 1978, until November, 1985. List had sent word to school that he was taking his children to visit relatives, Moran said. Additionally, the financial burden on the family was increasing, causing him severe psychological distress. He went on to wed again, join a new family and live in peace and anonymity for nearly two decades. Mr. Clark kept nothing personal in his office. Miller is not in business there, and there is no evidence it ever existed. His free time was spent with Delores Miller and volunteering at church. I actually do try to keep this blog politically neutral we all need a break from partisanship. Although Mr. Clark admitted nothing after his arrest, fingerprints and scars have led investigators to conclude that he and Mr. Delores Miller Clark lived a simple life in Denver before she met and married John List, who then went by the name Robert Peter Bob Clark. JOHN List the quiet New Jersey accountant who murdered his entire family in 1971, took on a new identity and a new family and went undetected for 18 years says the killing were merely his assignment for the day., In his first TV interview since the infamous murders, tonight on 20/20 Downtown, List tells Connie Chung: Eventually I got to the point where I felt that I could kill [his family], hopefully they would go to heaven, and then maybe I would have a chance to later confess my sins to God and get forgiveness.. He lined up the four bodies in the ballroom (he said his mother's body was too heavy to move), put music on the internal intercom, and cleaned up meticulously. ''Bob talked about church things so often that he could get monotonous,'' Mr. Bassler said. ''I had the impression that he was barely eking out enough of a living to buy weenies and a room somewhere. I think he killed the family because his ego was such that he couldnt handle them seeing him as a failure. He didnt have much stuff then, but later, when I helped him move again, he had begun to acquire more possessions.. Anyway, Was there any word on what happened to his family that he started after getting remarried? Obituary for Bro. Get the day's top news with our Today's Headlines newsletter, sent every weekday morning. If you read any of the books and anything on the Internet, it clearly says she neglected the kids. Taking a Course and Doing Tax. Next he went upstairs, to where his 84-year-old mother was having breakfast, kissed her ("like Judas," he told Downtown), and shot her in the head. List might look now. Abcarian: Mask mandates? When asked about his family, ''he would make some allusion to Michigan or Minnesota,'' Mr. Bassler added. It's a good question (subject to Ten days after a creepy, glass-eyed bust of John List was shown on Americas Most Wanted, Westfield residents had not heard of a single promising lead. He joined a Lutheran congregation and ran a car pool for shut-in church members. When they entered the house, music was still playing on the intercom, but List was long gone. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. In an interview, he stated that he did not kill himself because suicide prevents one from going to heaven. The good news is, they *are* all in Heaven no doubt. He spent his days at the train station reading, napping, and wondering how to get his family out of their financial mess. "I was perspiring like anything," he remembers, but said his wife did not seem to have recognized him. John Sr. drove over to his school and watched him playing in a soccer game. And like Judas I gave her a kiss . List have appeared on Federal Bureau of Investigation ''wanted'' posters since then, along with a description of him as an accountant, ''a neat dresser'' and a man who ''may be armed and should be considered very dangerous.''. He was 82 years old at the time of his demise. In Loving Memory: Obituaries February 20-26, 2023 ROBERTSON COUNTY TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) *Refresh this page for updates and newly listed obituaries for this week. 1 spooky darelong after the house mysteriously burned down in 1972. Unlike the others, John didn't go quietly, his body jerking as List emptied both the 9 millimeter and the .22 into his son. About two years ago, she said, she saw a picture of Mr. Thats what Ive often wondered, he says. At a church singles party in 1977, Clark met Delores WebSearching obituaries is a great place to start your family tree research. He dyed his hair and changed his name to establish new credit accounts and a phony Social Security number. She said the newlyweds were a lot alike. The Star-Ledger reporter, who loved to chat about the infamous murderer with the locals on his Union County beat, was grabbing a sandwich for lunch when he got a tip of his own. This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. At the time, said Robert Wetmore, a 72-year-old retired ranch hand, Clark was working at the Holiday Inn in Golden, just west of Denver. But the wife was face up (albeit with a cloth covering placed later), indicating contempt. According to a letter List leftin the house along with the five bodies, heturned to homicidein part to preventthe embarrassment that losing the homewould cause his family. Because the records are accessible just to executives and are not discarded, ''Bob must have taken it out of the file when he left us,'' a vice president, Robert Bassler, said. He was a religious man. Several sources in the book Righteous Carnage mentions his arrogance. That was the last I heard from her before Bob was arrested.. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? All the pieties in the letter masked his real motives, both for the public and in his own mind. Born in an extremely strict Lutheran family, John was raised as a single child. List died in 2008, a one-of-a-kind killer who disposed of his family amidadilemma that seems fairly prosaic in light ofthe last decade or so. However, he was not ready to disclose his incompetency to his family yet and hence, he left the house every morning, sat on the railway station and read books and newspapers all day. It was And youre obviously a lib. Dolores Sheeran is now Dolores Miller, 55, a former medical secretary and a realtor, according to her Facebook page. Reporters Rebecca Everett and Jessica Remo explore the impact of the capture, meeting people in Virginia who saw List unmasked and tracking down Lists second wife one side of the infamous story thats never been told. They remember him as a quiet, kind, intensely private man who worked first as a cook, later as a bookkeeper, for small, obscure companies. Both were quiet, reserved people devoted to the Lutheran faith. He ''spoke slowly, softly and almost under his breath.''. Flanery received two letters from Delores Clark after she moved away. R. C. Miller is not in business there, and there is no evidence it ever existed. WebDelores Hazel Miller, age 82, went to heaven, Tuesday, May 9, 2017. . She said List, who spoke fluent German, attended a Lutheran elementary school and later went to public high school. I just discovered this blog, and as a fellow Forensic Files fan, this intrigues me! It was the biggest story he could remember, and the local fervor for information was immediate. Denver FBI agents say they received no information about the fugitive in their midst for 16 years after the grisly ballroom murders in New Jersey were discovered. He became increasingly depressed. List then killed his kids one by one as they returned home from school. His picture was also shown on television, which led one of his neighbours to notify the authorities. After gruesomely murdering his entire family, John List had begun living a normal life again. Mr. Clark flew out at his own expense for an interview and obtained the job. A 2005 Freddie Mac-Roper poll also flagged by the FDIC concluded that more than 6 in 10 homeowners delinquent in their mortgage payments are not aware of services that mortgage lenders can offer to individuals having trouble with their mortgage., Hardly atypical. It may be more than coincidence that Miller is the former name of Mr. Clark's wife, Delores, '', ''One thing about Bobby,'' the friend in Richmond said. . Sick minds only justify their inconsistent philosophy and thoughts because their logic is egocentric, and lacks logic ( logic as we normal people know it). Death. What on earth has your comment got to do with the price of fish? They got married in December 1951. "I finally decided the only way to save them from that was to kill them," he said. It meant living above their means, and List eventually had to take out a second mortgage. Another way of characterising them might be to state that he was sick of his mad wife (who some sources say was a public embarrassment to him by getting publicaly drunk and remarking on his lack of sexual prowess, etc), was indifferent to the children, had embezzled the mothers money and needed to off her, was losing the house, and had no job. But even if it's all true, this is still not a man with a history of murder, but a man with a murder in his history. On the morning of June 1st 1989, housewife Delores Clark (nee Miller) of Midlothian, Virginia received a phone call that would blow her world to pieces. At a church singles party in 1977, Clark met Delores Miller, a 40-year-old divorcee. After her husbands arrest, Delores Clark told the FBI she couldnt believe he was a murderer. List assumed the name Robert P. Clark, eventually marrying a woman named Delores Miller on Nov. 23, 1985 on the 14-year anniversary of the day he had shot his wife. The man who says he is Robert P. Clark apparently spent 17 years hiding behind little more than a cloak of ordinariness and a penchant for privacy before his arrest on murder charges a week ago, friends and acquaintances said. (The List Murders,Forensic Files). I remember that I was amazed at the amount of blood that flowed out of her, List says. Wearing signature pigtails she opened the show, singing "Age of Although Helen reportedly suffered from the effects of syphilis contracted from her previoushusband, the family appeared stable and high-functioning to their friends and neighbors. At a recent news conference, she described him as a good husband with a deep and abiding faith in God. About a year ago, he and Mrs. Clark made a $12,000 down payment on a $76,000 slate-blue single-story three-bedroom house in the planned community of Brandermill, in the southwestern suburb of Midlothian. He waited until his wife and children arrivedhome one by one,crept up and shot them in the head at close range, and dragged their bodies into the ballroom. List caught the tail end of the show with his wife, who did not know his past. He later took a job as the vice president at a bank in New Jersey, where the family finally got settled. The authorities couldnt find List despite a nationally publicized manhunt led by the FBI; the fugitivehad given himself toogenerous a head start. Following his high school graduation, he enlisted into the American military and worked as a lab technician. We've received your submission. All rights reserved (About Us). They'll either have forgiven me or won't realize, you know, what happened," List told Downtown's Connie Chung in an interview at the New Jersey State Prison in Trenton, where he is serving five life sentences. He told Steve Reed, a vice president of the agency, Richmond Placements Inc., that he wanted to live and work in a more vibrant economy. WebView the profiles of people named Delores Clark. List, an accountant, insurance salesman, former bank vice president and Sunday school teacher, disappeared in November 1971. In late 1987, Clark answered an ad from a Virginia employment agency that set up interviews with a Richmond accounting firm. 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