current defcon level 2022

Naval Forces Europe-Africa spokesperson, Capt. We at CENTCOM will take the lessons learned from Exercise Juniper Oak and share and incorporate them with all our partners across the CENTCOM region, Kurilla concluded. Thank you. Secretary General, there are some suggestions from various politicians from various member states that in the light of yesterday's and today's attacks on the critical infrastructure, civilian infrastructure, killing civilians, it's high time to call Russia as a terrorist state. The object was flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet and posed a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight. Medvedev: Alliance Of Countries "Annoyed With US" Might Appear - MOSCOW - Former Russian President and current Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said that The United States is attempting to destroy Russia and that a new global military alliance may be emerging. Read more, February 13, 2023 - WASHINGTON - The latest "object" that was shot down on Sunday over Lake Huron, which is located close to the Canadian border was "octagonal shape" with "no discernable payload". And the last thing I'd say on that, again, is this was a unique opportunity for us to observe this balloon and its characteristics very closely as it traveled over the United States, and needless to say -- and I won't go into details -- we gained a lot of information on this and I believe we'll continue to gain more information on this. Gen. Pat Ryder provided the following readout: "Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III met with his counterparts this week, Ministers Kaikkonen and Hultqvist from Finland and Sweden. Here are six deals to look into for your move. Once they will test it, they will see if it works, Only then can they manufacture more efficient and smaller weapons." WebDEFCONs are phased increases in combat readiness. Russia knows that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. So again, I'm not able to go into the intelligence. Exercise normal precautions in Tonga. DEFCON 2, one step from nuclear war, is implemented when an enemy attack is expected. So they need almost everything and Allies are providing unprecedented support because they understand that we have a moral, political and security interest in ensuring that Ukraine wins the war against President Putin.". And so if the risk profile that I described earlier, if that changes we will have options to deal with this balloon. Dmitri Alperovitch, founder of The Alperovitch Institute for Cybersecurity Studies at Johns Hopkins University and former chief technology officer of cybersecurity group CrowdStrike, said in a tweetthat Russia has four levels. NORAD: US Launched Two F-16 Fighers To Block Two Russian Tu-95 Bombers In Alaska's ADIZ - NORAD - Russian Tu-95 bombers capable of being equipped with nuclear weapons were intercepted on October 18th (local time) after "entering and operating within the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone", according to a statement by the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD). Under the Digital Assets and Registered Exchanges Act, 2020 (DARE Act), the Commission has the authority to apply for a judicial order to protect the interests of clients or customers of a registrant of the Commission under the DARE Act. Read Full Article, China Running Secret Overseas Police Stations Worldwide - China is running secret overseas police stations around the world, including unauthorized stations in the US, in order to surveil Chinese nationals in countries across the globe. QUESTION: I mean, we have two narratives here, right? First, our best assessment at the moment is that whatever the surveillance payload is on this balloon, it does not create significant value added over and above what the PRC is likely able to collect through things like satellites in Low Earth Orbit. U.S. Africa Command, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, with partners, counters malign actors and transnational threats, responds to crises, and strengthens security forces in order to advance U.S. national interests and promote regional security, stability and prosperity. He said that the Iranian Navy is planning on expanding its scope of operations. The American people deserve far more answers than we have.". 9. This surveillance balloon purposely traversed the United States and Canada, and we are confident it was seeking to monitor sensitive military sites.". Sources have reported that multiple rockets have been fired at a US base in Conoco, located in east Deir Ezzor, Syria. Follow the instructions from local authorities and seek shelter immediately in the event of mortar and/or rocket fire. "The deployment of 28,500 U.S. troops on South Korean soil remains a severe barrier to aggression by North Korea. The raid is reported to have killed a senior ISIS leader, and captured several other militants alive after landing in Muluk Saray village in the Hassakeh province. Read more, October 11, 2022 - NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg: "Stoltenberg: "hybrid and cyber attacks can trigger Article 5," and, "We are closely monitoring every incident that may constitute a hybrid or cyber attack against the NATO Allies and we are ready to take the necessary measures if needed." The airspace has been reopened". Read more, February 13, 2023 - Statement by the Department of Defense on the "successful" shoot down of an "airborne object" flying at about 20,000 feet in altitude in U.S. airspace over Lake Huron in the state of Michigan. NORAD did send aircraft, which included F-22 Raptors from the Nellis Air Force Base, but NBC says the official wouldn't speak on whether their options included taking the balloon out. A different NATO member country hosts the exercise each year, with last year the host being Italy. During a speech made by Nishimura at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, he said "We must rebuild a world order based on the fundamental values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law". Read more, February 25, 2023 - MEXICO/US - Three different fires broke out on Thursday located at different Mexican state-owned facilities run by Pemex, one of the facilities located in the United States. Statements By South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff: Statement 1 | Statement 2. The Nantucket airport put out a statement that said, "At approximately 5:22 am Airport shift staff observed an active fire in the rental car overflow area through the Airport's Closed Circuit Television System.". The news site said that the Chinese Communist Party Official persuaded Tierra del Fuego Governor Gustavo Melella to change his mind on Chinese investment in Tierra del Fuego. Read Full Article, DOD: Conflict With Nuclear Peer Possible, As Russia Uses Dangerous Nuclear Rhetoric - RUSSIA/UKRAINE - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg responded to Russian President Vladimir Putin's announcement of a "partial mobilization", as well as Putin's threats to use "all means" at Russia's disposal to protect the country, saying that Putin's speech used "dangerous and reckless nuclear rhetoric". And I'm not going to go over specifically what they tracked other than what we've acknowledged publicly -- that we know that they were looking to surveil strategic sites, to include some of our strategic bases in the continental United States. You said that responsible nations, if it was a civilian balloon, would have notified the U.S. in advance. This authorization is the Biden Administrations twenty-first drawdown since August 2021. U.S. Army Brig. Nine military officers who worked at the Malmstrong Air Force Base have developed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma at earlier ages than the median age for the disease, which has caused the military to launch an investigation probe into the incidents to see if there's a connection between the cancer development and exposure at the base. Staff in the Senate Commerce Committee asked the FAA, "Why were airlines put in a position where they could have the option of choosing to operate when the NOTAM system was down?". US Military B-52 Nuclear Capable Bombers Return To Base In United Kingdom - On August 18th US military B-52 nuclear-capable bombers returned to the 'RAF' Fairford US Air Force base in Gloucestershire, United Kingdom from the Minot Air Base in North Dakota. Here is an overview of what you can expect. ", Russia: US Directly Involved In Ukraine Conflict, Could Trigger Nuclear Response - At the United Nations, Russia said that although the conflict in Ukraine does not require the use of nuclear weapons, Moscow might decide to resort to a nuclear response as a result of what it says is direct involvement in its conflict with Ukraine by the United States. The hours before Pelosi landed in Taiwan, a cyber attack had hit the country. You mentioned this is not the first time. Threatens Sanctions on Turkey For Russia Connections - The United States Treasury Department has issued a letter that contains a threat of possible sanctions for Turkey's leading business organization on the grounds of Russian Collaboration. The Associated Press has reported that three U.S. officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the matter publicly "suggested" that the missile was fired by Ukrainian forces and was intended to target a Russian missile. Will you call Russia as a state that sponsored terrorism? We've also seen the leaks to the pipelines, obviously Nord Stream going to Germany. "We are closely monitoring Russias nuclear forces. ", NATO Secretary General: "Over the last years, NATO has implemented the biggest transformation of our collective defence since the end of the Cold War, and part of that is to take fully into account hybrid threats, cyber threats. "While it does signal support for sure, there is no military benefit in any way at all," he added, adding that the Biden administration might appear to consider deploying tactical nuclear weapons to South Korea if the request is made, but not actually deploy them. US Sends Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier To Korean Peninsula After North Korean Missile Flies Over Japan - After North Korea sent a missile flying over Japan, the United States has not only commenced joint live-fire missile drills with South Korea in the region, but is now sending nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan back to waters near the Korean Peninsula, according to officials at the U.S. Defense Department. the news agency also reports 25 people were killed and 10 others wounded in the strikes and that tankers carrying Iranian gasoline headed for Lebanon were targeted. The U.S. has never reached DEFCON 1. If Germany decides to do so, other NATO-allied countries say they will follow suit. Read the entire Travel Advisory. Over the coming days and weeks, the Commission will engage with other regulators and authorities, in multiple jurisdictions, to address matters affecting the creditors, clients and stakeholders of FDM globally to obtain the best possible outcome. The PLA Navy statement also said that the carrier group practiced "cross-service multidimensional attack and defense on the surface, in the air and underwater". Does the balloon appear to have technology that is different or more advanced than any technology that the U.S. has? My expectations are high, and these orders are not up for negotiation. Based on its flight path and data we can reasonably connect this object to the radar signal picked up over Montana, which flew in proximity to sensitive DOD sites. The report cited the official as saying that the strike targeted a member of IS who was driving a motorcycle in the village of Hamam al-Turkman, which is currently controlled by Turkish-backed Syrian opposition forces near the northern Syrian town of Tel Abyad. "Last week's contact group underscored the importance of moving urgently to strengthen Ukraine against Russian aggression and to strengthen our shared security.". Privacy Is Important! Long before the shoot down, U.S. officials took steps to protect against the balloon's collection of sensitive information, mitigating its intelligence value to the Chinese. Read more, October 20, 2022 - "On October 19th, General Michael "Erik Kurilla, commander of CENTCOM, conducted a visit aboard the USS West Virginia, a U.S. Navy Ohio-class nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine at an undisclosed location at sea in international waters in the Arabian Sea. The object was about the size of a small car so not similar in size or shape to the high-altitude surveillance balloon that was taken down off the coast of South Carolina on February 4th". Juniper Oak 23.2 integrated U.S. and Israeli 5th generation fighter assets, the USS George H.W. Biden: Threat Of Nuclear Armageddon Highest Since Cuban Missile Crisis In 1962 - U.S. President Joe Biden said on Thursday that the threat of nuclear Armageddon is at the highest level since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. In another statement to Fox News Digital, the FAA said, "The FAA briefly closed some airspace over Lake Michigan to support Department of Defense activities. The White House has indicated that Moscow looking to purchase arms from North Korea and claims that it is further evidence that Russia is desperate, and that its ammunition supplies are running low as its "special operation" on Ukraine passes its six and a half month mark. Read more, October 11, 2022 - A drone strike in northeastern Syria led by the U.S.-led coalition was carried out on Monday, according to The Associated Press, which cited a Syrian official who spoke on the condition of anonymity. On his VK social media page on Saturday, he said, "With the arrest of assets of foreigners and foreign companies in Russia based on country principle. And we also conveyed clearly to Russia that they will have severe consequences if they use nuclear weapons in any way, including low yield nuclear weapons in Ukraine. WebOctober 12, 2022 - The United States has begun restricting visas from being issued to both current, and former members of the Taliban, as well as others over the repression of There are 5 Defcon Level Alerts in the warning alert system. Like the EU, EU member states and a number of singing-along states of the Anglo-Saxon world will take part in this". Read more, August 04, 2022 - White House Statement On Senate Ratification of the NATO Accession Protocols for Sweden and Finland. German Spokesman Steffen Hebestrait said, "The federal government has decided to provide the Ukrainian armed forces with Leopard 2A6 battle tanks. They've been engaged both through their embassy here in Washington and through our embassy in Beijing. After the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting, Austin is attending the meeting of NATO defense ministers, which is focused on implementing the historic decisions made at the NATO Summit in Madrid earlier this year, according to the official. Like Defcon Level Warning System OSINT Intel? As terrorist attacks, political violence (including demonstrations), criminal activities, and other security incidents often take place without any warning, U.S. citizens are strongly encouraged to maintain a high level of vigilance and practice good situational awareness when traveling abroad. DoD: Allies Are Unified in Support for Ukraine Ahead of NATO Meetings, Defense Official Says - Department of Defense: "Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III meets with allies at NATO headquarters in Belgium this week to discuss the continued support for the defense of Ukraine, amid Russia's unprovoked invasion and recent attacks against civilian targets and infrastructure, according to a defense official. *This message will be updated with further information as its released*. Like The Defcon Levels Page? Keep a low profile. Read more, November 14, 2022 - 11 countries have been placed on the travel advisory page in the last 30 days, including Trinidad and Tobago, Tonga, Ecuador, Moldova, Nigeria, China, Taiwan, Samoa, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. Chinese State Media Responds To News US Expanding Troop Presence In Taiwan - BEIJING - Chinese state-affiliated media Global Times has responded to reports that the United States is expanding their troop presence in Taiwan by saying that it is "illegal" for the soldiers to go to Taiwan, and that the Chinese mainland "won't take any responsibility for their safety" and that they will be "wiped out" together with the "resisting Taiwan troops" if China takes "military action". Read more, January 07, 2023 - A Russian hacker group called Cold River targeted three different nuclear research labs in the United States between the months of August and September of 2022. While speaking to reporters after the emergency meeting with G7 and NATO leaders in Bali, Indonesia, Biden said that preliminary information suggested that it's 'unlikely' that the missile was fired from Russian territory, but that the information is not conclusive until the investigation is completed. Thomas Gutschker, Frankfurt Allgemeine Zeitung. This extremely dangerous decision takes the conflict to a new level of confrontation and contradicts the statements of German politicians about the unwillingness of the FRG to get involved in it. NORAD detected a radar anomaly and sent fighter aircraft to investigate. So far this year North Korea has test fired 40 ballistic missiles. No one was hurt". Raytheon Technologies CEO Greg Hayes said in an interview that the goal is to move National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems to Ukraine within three to six months from now, and then backfill the air defense systems with new NASAMS in the Middle East over the next 24 months time. Two Rockets Target US Base In Syria - CENTCOM - TAMPA, Fla. "Two rockets targeted coalition forces at Mission Support Site Conoco, northeast Syria, today at approximately 9am local time in Syria (1 am Eastern Standard Time). MILITARY DANGER 4. And so when you look at the scope of this program and the fact that we know that these balloons have been spotted, and what we now can subsequently assess to be Chinese balloons operating over at least five continents in regions like Latin America, South America, Southeast Asia, East Asia and Europe, again, it demonstrates why, for the Department of Defense, that China remains the pacing challenge, and something that we'll continue to stay focused on. *Ongoing Report* Missile Believed To Be Russian Made Crosses Into NATO Member Poland, Killing Two People - The Associated Press reported that a Russian-made missile crossed into the eastern part of Poland on Wednesday, striking a grain facility near the Ukrainian border on the Polish side and killing two people. Bruce Bennett, a senior defense researcher at the RAND Corporation told RFA that the tests that North Korea has carried out thus far were "not very serious operational tests," but said that their purpose may have been to to make sure his personnel really understand how to fire the missiles.. The statement said that the Liaoning was spotted 416 miles southeast of Okinotorishima, about 384 miles northwest of Guam before it returned to waters around Taiwan and Japan. Norway, Germany, and Denmark invested into Slovakia's indigenous production of Howitzers. Homeland. Condition code is Yellow. Ambassador to the OSCE Michael Carpenter said that he expects broad support in the United States to for the Netherlands to transfer allied F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, in an interview with Lithuanian news agency Delfi. The most important message is that "even in the context of events of the last week which are obviously horrific," the official said, these leaders are coming together to signal their enduring support and that they will not be dissuaded or deterred from supporting Ukraine. "We have communicated to them the seriousness with which we take this issue," the official said. As a grim example, for more than a year, Afghanistan remains the only country in the world where girls are systemically barred from attending school beyond the sixth grade, with no return date in sight. NATO allied countries are also now voicing support to send battle tanks to Ukraine in order to aid the country in the ongoing war with Russia. GENERAL RYDER: No, completely discounted. Read more, August 11, 2022 - From the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), For the last two days, there have been two known incursions into the Alaskan Air Defense Zone, a buffer zone that sits between the airspace of Alaska and international air space, by Russian surveillance aircraft, which were detected, identified, and tracked off the coast. SENIOR DEFENSE OFFICIAL: Yes, you know I'm not going to go into the exact nature of the technology. And it came in inside our territorial waters," Kirby stated. South Korea Looking Carefully At Nuclear Deterrance Options - SEOUL - South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol said on Thursday that he is looking carefully at "extended deterrence" options as North Korea tests ballistic missiles that it says were intended to simulate a tactical nuclear weapon strike on South Korea. Then if the question was about how the attacks yesterday will change the situation on the battlefield, I think what we saw yesterday is actually a sign of weakness. WebThe DEFCON levels each have a set of criteria that need to be met in order to be activated (this is at the discretion of the President and the Joint Chiefs of Staff): DEFCON 5 (FADE OUT): Normal Peacetime Ex: General line of force, constant during peacetime DEFCON 4 (DOUBLE TAKE): Increased security and intelligence gathering USSTRATCOM forces are on watch 24/7 globally, operating in all domains, while supporting other commands, to defend the nation and our allies. Therefore, I am very comfortable with lowering the MS-DEFCON level to 4. Gangneungs fire department, as well as its city hall stated that emergency workers were dispatched to the scene at the air force base in response to calls regarding a possible explosion, but were sent back by military officials. About 60% of this MSRP total, $63,747,269, came from 160 seizures of counterfeit jewelry. Ryan added that using a nuclear weapon would not only "destroy Ukrainian military targets," but also "convince Ukraine that continuing to fight this war would leave Ukraine as a nuclear holocaust". And then just a short time ago in a House Intel briefing, Representative Stewart said the balloon may be the Chinese testing the American people to see their reaction, while General Philip Breedlove suggests that it was the enemy conditioning the U.S. population. The estimated DEFCON level today is currently 3 (updated October 2022), according to the DEFCON Level Warning System, a private open-source intelligence analysis organization. The state-run media made sure to point out the recent war game scenario run by the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies "indicated that the US would lose its aircraft carriers should they interfere in a possible conflict in the Taiwan Straits". To do this, Washington must show political will, make conscientious efforts for a general de-escalation and create conditions for the resumption of the full functioning of the Treaty and, accordingly, comprehensively ensuring its viability. Throughout her travel, Deputy Secretary Hicks focused on linking the departments resources to our strategic competition priorities, including the pacing threat of China, and ensuring DoD remains the world leader in cutting-edge innovation. Assets And Missions: Strategic bombers, U.S. and Israeli command and control, Fighter aircraft, Air operations in maritime surface warfare, Rescue aircraft, Combat search and rescue, Refueling aircraft, Electronic attack, Naval forces, Suppression of enemy air defenses, Ground long-range precision fires, Strike coordination and reconnaissance, Air long-range precision fires, Air interdiction, Rotary wing aircraft, Space Force assets, Special Operations Forces, Infantry forces. "I think it's extremely important that we all continue to agree on the effect that a nuclear war should not be fought, and can never be won". These levels, She then added, In the past, even threats that the U.S. government might fail to meet its obligations have caused real harms, including the only credit rating downgrade in the history of our nation in 2011". Japan's Trade Minister Urges To Rebuild A "World Order" To Counter Authoritarian Regimes - JAPAN - The Japanese trade minister Yasutoshi Nishimura is calling for the rebuilding of a "world order" in order to counter the rise of "authoritarian regimes". German Chancellor Olaf Scholz released a statement that said, "Ladies and gentlemen, that is the right principle. GENERAL RYDER: GEN. RYDER: Yes, so I think we are very confident that we'll be able to detect these kinds of capabilities, as evidenced by the continuing body of knowledge that we've been able to build up on this. 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